Tuesday, November 1, 2022

We're Missing The Point About Voting

We're Missing The Point About Voting 

We've come up on that November date, and all we hear about is how we've got to vote. How things are going to change. This party's messing up so badly, so we bring in the other party to fix it. Then, we go back to our lives. Something that was decided up in Washington or a state capitol ends up affecting us in a negative way, and then we get mad. Then we vote again.

What if I told you we're missing the point about voting? Yes, we should participate in the act of voting in this country. It's not only a God-given right that we have, but people have paid for that right with their blood. In some countries, people could get killed just for expressing an opinion, and in this country we have a right to vote. We get to go in there and cast our ballot for whatever it is we believe in, and then we see if what we voted for passes. 

I agree that we should be keeping an eye on the politicians to make sure they're keeping their promises. We also should keep an eye on the voting process itself to make sure it's fair. With technology as it is and other factors, can we really be sure that our votes are going where we cast them? Can we really be sure about the outcome of the elections? It's healthy to ask these questions, but voting isn't the only answer. No, it doesn't involve getting violent either.

We need to step up in our own communities and make a difference there. Some of us get overwhelmed by what's going on in the world. We feel helpless that we can't do anything about something that's happening. We might even cry about it, feel guilty or sad that we are doing nothing about it, but then we go back to what it is we do in our regular routine. If we can make a difference in the world, we should be doing it. However, we can be making a difference within our own community.

You might be able to donate food and clothing to a shelter to help the less fortunate. You might donate to various local charities that help people. You might even participate with some organization that makes a difference pertaining to whatever cause you believe in. There are many causes that we talk about in the bigger picture, but locally there are things that we can be doing to make the lives of the people affected within our own areas better. We just have to step out and do something.

This might have to do with going to a fundraiser, or we might just participate in a local park cleanup. Just little things that we can do within our community. Even going to a community gathering that's designed to bring us together. This is a place where you can meet people and get to know them. I've been blessed to be a part of a certain sporting community where I live. It's not a big one, but the things that we do within this community matter. We make people's lives a little bit better by what we do, and that makes a difference. 

Yes, we should be voting. However, don't think that the act of voting alone changes anything. We can't put all of the responsibility on politicians to fix things and not take any of the responsibilities for ourselves. We should participate in local politics and local community activities designed to make our own areas better. If everybody did that within their own communities that would make the world a lot better in the long run.
