Sunday, December 18, 2016

Some Thoughts On The 2016 Presidential Election

There were accusations of rigging the election going on from both sides this year. From the start, I could see it wasn't really fair.

The media needs to be held accountable. I'm talking about the corporate media. It's not the alternative media's fault that the corporate media repeatedly lied and got everybody whipped into a false frenzy. There is "fake news" coming from everywhere. We were all being played.

Recounts are not only constitutional, but they must happen to help keep the process fair. Dr. Jill Stein had a right to call for them wherever she wanted. It was not about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.  It was about fairness. A Green Party candidate some 12 years ago found enough fraud in that election that people went to jail and reforms were made. I don't care who contributed the money to the recount effort, people have a right to it.

Over 20,000 ballots were found in Pennsylvania for Clinton around the time Stein was making her big push. The recounts should all have been allowed.

Trump says illegals voted in California? He should have paid for a California recount to prove it. It may be true, and if he cares about a fair election, he'd want to prove it, right?

There was something fishy about election night and when they called it. I personally feel the fix was in and called off, which may not be a popular opinion. And, the protests happened awful fast. I know the media created this anger in the coverage they gave the election, but it came together fast, complete with fake CNN interviews of protesters and all. Craigslist had adverts looking to pay protesters. Soros's handy work? I don't know, but look this guy up. He's in it for his agenda, not for our country.

It's not over yet.

Faithless Electors can change it, and there's something to consider. It is constitutional to vote your conscience as an elector, and laws against it may themselves be unconstitutional. Most of those laws are simple fines anyway. When it comes to a vote, you can't force a person to vote as you wish them to. This isn't over, though the Electoral College vote is not likely to change anything.

Rumors of 20 or more Republicans switching are rumors. You are not likely to hear a peep out of most of them, whether they will vote Trump or not. You have one out there now, and he's under an attack for "stolen valor" by the "right" side of the corporate and alternative media.

Some of these electors are being threatened. Trump is said to be wanting to talk to some of them. Now you have calls from largely Clinton pledged electors from an oh so trustworthy CIA briefing on alleged Russian hacking.

Hacking of what? Is there evidence of the voting machines being hacked on a large enough scale? We're talking e-mails here, and the source of the hack has been identified as an American. The first question is to the truth of the information contained in the e-mails, but it seems that their existence themselves is being blamed. Were the e-mails lies?  Plenty of corporate media lies being told nightly to the people have them fearing Trump is the next Hitler. Every president you don't agree with is supposedly Hitler. Sure, whatever.

We await the Electoral College votes. They are hearing all of this. They have information at their disposal, and it's unlikely you'll hear much from people bailing on Trump, even if there is a movement.  You speak now, and you could be replaced. If asked, the standard answer would be to lie or offer no comment. The day is coming when they will make their voices heard.

Buckle up, because if Trump is not confirmed, it could get very ugly. First, do they install Clinton?  That would surely cause an uprising from a Bible carrying, 2nd Amendment supporting Trump supporter? This isn't the crying voter we saw right after the election. This is much more serious. Could they get away with installing Clinton? I don't think so, but I do believe they are bold enough to try.

Would congress just approve Trump? If there's an establishment Republican alternative, they may go with them. It means more business as usual with the illusion of change, but it will be more of a reason to push for election change, possibly to popular vote. Installing somebody who is Republican but other than Trump or Clinton may still stave off an uprising.

To the notion that popular vote should win out, Clinton won it because of California. Take it off the table, and Trump won popular too. Californians are rightfully upset because they don't feel represented enough. Politicians come for campaign donations and leave to the "battleground states" after that. We have a system where they already know certain states will go Republican or Democrat, so there's no use even bothering with them. So, how does the Electoral System benefit them?

A Cal Exit from the United States is a bad idea and isn't likely to happen. The emergence of a new state of Jefferson that combines Northern California and Southern Oregon would be better. These two regions are represented by San Francisco and Los Angeles to the south and Portland and Eugene to the north, though they themselves currently identify mostly as Republican.

We will have a debate on whether to go popular with the vote or not. This has been simmering since 2000, but what happened this year will not be tolerated much longer. The Electoral College isn't likely to change this outcome, but it legally can happen. If it does, it will at the least spark further debate.

In closing, I find it sad that Hillary Clinton spent $1.2 Billion in a losing campaign, while Donald Trump spend half of that. Throw in money for the primaries, and you're looking at over $2 Billion to get elected. Let that sink in. We can't seem to feed or give homes to the homeless, we struggle to find cures for diseases that should be curable by now, we have a big problem with jobs, the educational system and on and on, but they spent $2 Billion dollars on this election. Yeah, we have our priorities straight, don't you think?

Why The Outrage Over A Lesbian Couple On Timeless?

So, I was watching Timeless this week. I'm a fan of time travel stories. I've been following this show and hoping it doesn't get canceled for more "reality" TV crap.

In this episode, the lady who put the group of three together invited Lucy, one of the time travelers, to have dinner with her. You see, after the first episode, something the travelers did made Lucy's sister disappear. She remembers her, but to everybody else, her sister never existed.

The boss agreed before this episode that they would do what they can to get her back once the plot to mess with time was thwarted. She had an ulterior motive for inviting Lucy to dinner. You see, she is married and has a child, and she worries that they may disappear because of something related to a future trip back in time.

The boss's significant other is very friendly and admits that the boss never invites people from work or discusses work. Therefore, Lucy must be special. The whole point of the dinner invite was to give Lucy a flash drive with pictures of the boss's family so she won't forget if the timeline changes to make them disappear.

She didn't want to forget her family. I found the scene to be touching, but I knew it would cause backlash. Why? The boss is married to a black woman, So, automatically this becomes the "gay agenda" being forced on people. I'm greatly disappointed in the "loving" Christians who threw a fit over this 5 minute scene. However, I'm not surprised to see it. IMDB's Timeless Message Board was hit with complaints.

What exactly bothers them about that scene? Had this been a straight married couple, nobody would have batted an eye. The real point of the scene, the loving wife wanting to make sure she never forgot her family, would have been understood. Since it's a lesbian couple, it's an outrage to some. Why?

Are they worried that this will "normalize" same gender relationships? Well, this is going to happen anyway. Are they worried that the scene depicted a lesbian couple having a normal dinner like a straight couple? Does it bother them that they aren't having sex and telegraphing how gay they are? Newsflash to those who are so worried, a lesbian or gay relationship isn't merely about sex.

I know this may shock you, but sex is only a part of a relationship. True, some couples are having more sex than others. Some people who are worried about gay couples have this false idea that gays are having sex at the drop of a hat. Some may be, just as some straight people are very promiscuous, But, sex is only happening for so long before you put your clothes back on and live your day to day life.

Gay and lesbian couples are in those relationships not just because of the type of sex they prefer, but because these are the people they want to have a caring and loving, emotional relationship with. It's the same reason straight people get married. They've found their life partner and want to build a life long relationship.

here was this supposed "fact" in a comment that gays only make up 3%-5% of the population. Reality is if those statistics do exist, I guarantee you there are some within the LGBT community who lie about it. Why lie in 2016? You can still get fired, harassed, abused, killed, disowned and all the rest because of the shame religion puts on being gay, lesbian or transgender.

Normalizing a gay relationship is not a bad thing. It is a loving relationship between two consenting adults. The only thing this does is sends a message to the younger people in the LGBT community that it's okay to be you. You don't have to hide and be ashamed. You don't have to pretend to be accepted. You don't have to enter into a relationship that will fail in the end because you can't live the lie anymore.

That happens now, and it's not just unfair to the person in the closet. It's unfair to the person they married. In the case of the suppressed transgender person, there's a whole other level of complications that I wish I could get into here. There are certainly some heart breaking as well as happy stories about those transitioning later in life and being divorced of being accepted as their true selves.

The point is, the uproar over this little scene in the show is ridiculous. Was it put in there as a message in support of LGBT rights? That's very likely. Was it a lie? Are there no examples of happily married same gender couples? Of course there are. There is this fear in the anti LGBT movement that somehow they are coming to get them and force themselves on them. There is the fear in the LGBT community that religious types will try to exterminate them if they can. So, both sides push hard and sometimes overstep.

All that needs to happen is a little common sense. The overwhelming majority of people, however they see themselves, just want to live and be happy. You don't have to agree with everything another person says or does, but you should have enough respect to let hem live their lives in peace. The scene in Timeless wasn't part of some evil "Gay Hollywood" agenda, It simply showed the reality that a same gender couple can be happy together and live life just as any straight couple. I fail to see any problem with that.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

You Can't Trust The Alternate Media Either

I'll just come right out and say that there is a real need for independent voices in the alternative media who actually can back up what they say.  Somebody in the mold of Bill Cooper would be a welcome addition.  Back when Cooper was one of the biggest voices, he was not out there grandstanding to everybody about being the leader of any movement.

In fact, Cooper was the one that said repeatedly not to make him the leader, because he will surely fail us all.  He may have informed us about what the elite agenda is with his Mystery Babylon series, warned us that the attack that would be 9/11 was immanent, let us know the truth about the IRS and so on.  He may have written Behold A Pale Horse, but he always insisted that we research the truth for ourselves and to not even trust him.  He even taught anybody who would listen how they could do what he did.

I don't even want to hear about how he was flawed.  I know damn well that he was flawed.  He got some things wrong and admitted it.  He pulled a gun on the man who he discovered was feeding him wrong information to discredit him.  He was a serious threat to the elite establishment plan, and that's why he is dead now.  He was gunned down on November 5th, 2001, Guy Fawkes Day.  They are nothing if not symbolic in their method.

Today, Truth Incorporated dominates the internet, because they saturate it to a point where you always find their information and in some cases misinformation before finding anything else from other sources.  Yes, there is truth there, but there are also lies and misinformation.  Document it?  I'm not going to do your work for you other than to make a coupled points here

It needs to be pointed out that most people who consider themselves part of the "truth movement" know that the two party system is bought and paid for.  It's nothing but a part of the system that controls us and keeps us in line. Alex Jones knows this, but he sold out his audience a long time ago.  It should be glaringly obvious now with his endorsement of Donald Trump for president.  The good news is that when Trump falls in line with the elite agenda, and he probably will, Jones will expose himself.

Let me help you to learn about the lies Jones tells, because there are a lot of them.  With his yelling and overbearing delivery of the news, you get overwhelmed by him.  I get it.  He preaches fear so loudly that I totally understand how many in his audience would follow him to Trump as some sort of savior.  They want an end to the madness.  If Trump can save us, we don't have to worry about saving ourselves.  We can go back to sleep knowing that he and Alex Jones are there for us.

Listen to Jones with a note pad and pen next to you.  Every time he claims something as fact, write it down.  Pay attention to anecdotal evidence he claims to have experienced that supposedly validates his point.  These are things he says happened to him or people he knows that you can't prove other than to take his word for it.  Now, just keep listening and taking notes.  When you're done, research his claims.  What can be verified?  What information is verifiable but open to other interpretations than what he claims?

Jones has built an empire and is making money selling fear to us.  There is no law against that, and he does give you some truth that backs up his theory.  He makes whatever else up that is needed.  Be careful of the fact that he has been able to hire so many employees who parrot him.  This is to further validate him, because they are paid to say what he says.  No different than MSNBC or Fox, but for Infowars.  You are being brainwashed in a different way.

It is a mistake to say that the elite would pay for main stream media and talk radio, but somehow this alternative juggernaut called Infowars would be independent of them.  Think about it.  Why would they let it happen and grow as big as it has?  They know people don't trust the usual sources anymore.  This is reflected in the results of the election.  People are so desperate to find the truth that they will look for it anywhere as long as it's a different source from the ones they believe are lying to them.

Cooper warned us about Jones.  It is my belief that Bill wanted Alex to be truthful and to use better judgment before going off half cocked with a story.  I believe he tried to educate Jones, but that was never what Jones was about from Day 1.  Jones was there to scare the crap out of people and make a lot of money doing it.  He has given us some truth, but the lies he tells along the way discredit the truth in the long run.

A more rational voice in the truth movement is needed, because Jones is about ready to derail his own empire as it becomes mainstream right wing in the mold of Fox News.  Ultimately, it's about leading the stray sheep back to where the rest of the flock is.  Jones could have been so much better than that, but I now believe he was never there to be that person.  The signs have been there all along, but people wanted to believe in him.

Jones just made the allegation that China is buying up all of Hollywood.  This is absurd.  Dalian Wanda Group has bought Legendary Entertainment and is about to buy Dick Clark Productions.  The latter purchase has a big impact on the awards shows.  They were unsuccessful in buying Paramount, and it looks like they will be building their own studio in Hollywood.  Jones just outright lied and said they are trying to buy up all six major Hollywood studios.

First of all, there is a thing called Monopoly.  They would never be allowed to buy all six.  Congress would never allow it.  So, why lie and say it's happening?  It's a way to further demonize China, which is certainly not innocent.  There's enough there without making stuff up.  This is the same guy who has also said the Arabs own Hollywood.  Is this the guy to turn to because you don't trust the mainstream media?  No.

Who do you trust?  That one is easy.  Are you ready?  Look in the mirror.  That is who you trust.  Keep an open mind and listen to any news source, but pay attention and take notes.  When you are given information and opinions, take notes and look things up.  Look them up good.  Don't just go to one source to verify things.  Find as many as possible.  The liars count on you taking their word and not researching anything for yourself.  When you pay attention you will come to the conclusion that the truth is something completely different than  what you were led to believe.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Alternative Media A Factor In Donald Trump's Election?

In a word, yes.  Alternative media played a part.  People will point to the FBI opening the e-mail case and lets not forget Wikileaks, but alternative media hyped the Wikileaks info to the moon as part of their daily effort.  This election process, from the beginning, was all about change.  Not fake change, or change in words only, but real change.  We can debate all day whether they will get that change with Donald Trump, should the electoral votes be cast as expected.  The point is people wanted change, and they were being manipulated from the word go by the main stream corporate (note I didn't say liberal) media.

Even I laughed at Trump when he first started, and I still don't trust him.  He's always been about himself.  If he truly is who he claims to be now, he is a very dangerous man to the global elite.  But, is he that man?  Time will tell.  Early on, people were buying into his message, and a monkey wrench was being thrown into the elite's game plan.   Give us Bush  Vs. Clinton so that the elite win either way.  This is why the Bush family supported Clinton in the end, rather than falling into party line as is the "traditional" practice.

The country is a mess, and there is a growing divide.  We need to heal.  This happens by having real dialogue in this country.  There are many contentious issues, and we need to come to a better consensus.  With Trump, you have the appearance that some of the genuine concerns are finally being addressed.  With Clinton, I'm sorry to say, you were not getting that.  Plus, anybody looking at what's going on in the world had a growing concern that she was going to start a war with Russia.

Clinton was still being force fed to us.  When the Democrats started having debates, I wondered why.  She was long ago ordained by the "rigged" system to be the candidate, because she lost the nomination to Obama in 2004, when she actually won it then.  This was her turn.  Why make it even look like a debate?  She had how many votes on her side before the average everyday Democrat could even choose?  But, they put on a show for the people to make it look fair.  What they didn't count on was Bernie Sanders looking more appealing to the average person.  Oh, but he's an old white man.  Can't have that.

While this was all going on, Trump was being attacked mercilessly by the entire Republican party.  So mercilessly that I still question whether this was a show to position him as the "outsider" candidate.  Even almost all of Fox News was against him.  Hannity eventually came on board.  Glen Beck basically lost his mind going against Trump, if he ever had a mind to begin with.  Despite all of that, Trump was beating them all one by one.  The Alternative Media played a part.

Over on "the other side" the young voters were being swayed by Bernie Sanders.  He correctly identified a big part of the problem, the elite, and he went places Hillary wouldn't go.  She couldn't.  She was their choice.  Don't bite the hand that feeds you.  Never mind the fact that she wasn't catching on in a way that would ever win over anybody who decided early on that she was more of the same thing that has plagued this country since Bush Sr.  You will take her and like it.

Polls, which I greatly distrust and feel should only be used by the campaigns themselves to see if their messages are resonating with the people, even started showing how well Sanders would do against the Republicans.  He matched up well with Trump and stood a very good chance of beating him.  Those younger voters, some of whom are protesting Trump now, were ready for Bernie.  And, had they all fallen in line and obeyed like good Democrats, Clinton might be the president now.

Problem was, they did NOT want her, but the elite were intent on forcing us to take her whether we wanted her or not.  Hillary's time was 2008.  She could have won then, because she would be running against a candidate (John McCain) that was just as corrupt and who did not fight to win nearly as hard has his running mate.  But, the establishment was giving us Obama, and they made her wait her turn.  Problem is, in times like these, there is a shelf life.  The other problem was the alternative media got bigger and bigger in the eight years that followed.

She could not undo the damage of Benghazi and other things that the alternative media were beating into the minds of the hard core listeners.  Even those who were beginning to distrust the media, but don't dive too heavily into alternative media for fear of being branded a kook, were being swayed by it.  They still listen here or there, and Clinton NEVER looks good in the alternative media.  This is one way the alternative media made a difference.  The main baggage Sanders carried with him was the "socialist" label the right stuck him with.  I hate to break it to you, but socialism in certain doses helped build this nation.

Now, Donald Trump may be a lot of things, but stupid is NOT one of them.  I could cite evidence that a run for the presidency has been on his radar for at least 20 years, but he also knew he was not very favorable with the media and would be lambasted by them.  He also had an image problem.  But, he was shrewed.  Doing The Apprentice, a show I detested because I'm not a fan of "reality" TV, made him more savvy in the ways of how to present himself on TV.  One of the people I hear him compared to now is Ronald Reagan, and I see similarities.

Along the way, Trump also cleverly planted seeds within the so called "truth movement" that makes up a large chunk of the alternative media that presented him as being one of them.  The BS "birther" movement against Obama, the 28 pages in the 9/11 investigation and the fact that he could rightly point out that he was never really in favor of a war with Iraq are three instances where he at least had people in the movement saying, "That Trump might not be so bad."

The problem was, he needed more, and he got it when Alex Jones of one of the largest alternative media sites began to endorse him.  This was a move that was almost unheard of within the movement.  Jones basically took the mantle from Bill Cooper, who was gunned down in the back on Guy Fawkes Day 15 years ago while attempting to flee an ambush.  Jones took many of Cooper's stances, though his delivery and accuracy leave a lot to be desired.  But, one of those stances is a mantra within the truth movement that Jones wrongly claims to have founded.  As the saying goes, whether Republican or Democrat, it's two sides of the same coin of the system that controls the masses.  In fact, Jones began to gain national notoriety due to his rant on the topic in the movie Waking Life.

Fast forward to late 2015.  Jones suddenly endorses Trump as this guy outside the system who is a patriot.  He even had Trump on his show.  Rather than offer any time to the the alternative candidates, such as Dr. Jill Stein or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party, a party that Jones claims to be a part of, he embraced Trump completely.  Jones went so far as to begin making stuff up about Johnson to assassinate his character, or at least the things he was saying could not be proven.  Hearsay.

From that time, while the mainstream media payed their part in anointing Clinton, they failed to dispatch of Trump.  If we take this all at face value and we weren't being payed, this outsider Trump broke through.  What Infowars and other alternative outlets could do was strongly defend any attack that came after Trump and put it out over the web via their websites, videos and social media sites.  They could also hammer Clinton relentlessly.  True, her history made that easy, but Jones and others put a big magnifying glass over her.

Trump used the alternative media very effectively.  He only appeared with Jones the one time, which was also smart.  His good friend Roger Stone worked the alternative media outlets.  Trump could distance himself from them and deal with the main stream media, trumpeting the usual rhetoric of media bias and the plot against him and all of that, which would effectively help get the voters on the Republican reservation to stay behind him despite his flaws.  That kept things closer than the media would have you believe. 

If they really believed Clinton had it in the bag all along, which is how they sold it to the people, it makes me wonder if this election was meant to be rigged from the start, some of them knew it and something went wrong.  Don't think for a moment that with electronic voting it can't be rigged.  It is easier to rig it now.  Whether or not this was happening now, I'll save for another time.

For Trump to win, he needed that little extra, and that's where there alternative media came in.  There is that segment that would ether not vote or vote third party, and Jones was taking to them non stop for about a year about why they needed to support Trump.  Oh, you can trust him.  He is a patriot.  He was appealing to disenfranchised people who have lost jobs, homes, aren't making much money and feel they are being sold out by the system.  This is Jones' base, and it only strengthened when the media referred to them as racists and engaged in a game that could be considered reverse racism.

This election was a vote for change, and this is also why Johnson and Stein received so many votes.  Johnson received almost three and a half times as many votes over his previous Libertarian record four years ago with over four million votes.  Dr. Stein grabbed 1.2 million votes, the second highest in Green Party history.  This happened despite the media ignoring them, mocking Johnson and the lies Jones told about Johnson to win voters over to Trump.  Over six million  voters ignored either major candidate.

Hillary had virtually no chance of appealing to the growing disenfranchised vote the way Sanders did.  She was correctly identified as part of the problem by them.  Sanders may very well have won this election.  The media maintained the traditional left vs right, two party system presentation, and Trump, via the policies he spoke of, fixing immigration, better trade deals, tax breaks, creating jobs in America and helping blacks and Hispanics with loans to help them build businesses to revive struggling inner cities, appeared to be the voice of change.  Whether that's who he is or not remains to be seen.

Don't discount the fact that the alternative media helped get Trump enough votes in certain swing states to get the vote in his favor.  It certainly was a factor.  Sites like Breitbart and Drudge might be considered fringe in the mainstream media, but they are close enough to the mainstream right that they aren't really alternative.  Infowars, on the other hand, went through a paradigm shift that leaves the door open for somebody within the legitimate truth movement in the Bill Cooper spirit to step up and fill a void without giving it the sort of corporate feel you have now with Jones and Infowars.

Jones put his rear end on the line with his support of Trump and already there are indications that you will see more of the same when it comes to cabinet choices.  Jones is sort of stuck now, because if that happens, what does he do if Trump goes the way of our recent presidents?  He supported it, and it would be hard to back pedal without losing his listeners.  If he sells it, his empire will crumble.  There's been an effort to make that happen since the left has put several alternative news sites of their own out there that put focus on taking Jones down.  The problem is, they are out of touch as well.

Labeling Jones as a tin foil hat wearing kook, conspiracy theorist and the rest of it only builds him up higher to the people who know we are being lied to and read the documentable things that have happened.  These outlets will never take down a guy like Jones by belittling the truth in some of the messages he has put out.  Focusing on his unprovable rhetoric, his tendency to fly off the handle and go with news that is incorrect just to be first or exposing his method, will begin to wake people up to who and what he truly is.

In the aftermath of all of this, the losing side picks up the pieces and tries to figure out what went wrong.  There could be a movement to overturn the Electoral College in the future.  Perhaps this is a discussion that needs to happen.  For now, the Democratic Party is trying to figure out where they go from here.  Well, they should go where they all should go.  Back to basics, issue by issue.  We have a divide in this country and it won't change if we keep talking at each other instead of to each other.  Simply taking over the party to run a better presidential campaign may win it next time, but it won't be good enough to bring us all together.

You will hear arguments of merit from either side.  Whether it's boarder security, a path to citizenship, national security, concern over jobs and taxes, the educational system, how the food we eat is produced and the safety thereof, environmental concerns, housing and homeless issues, LBGT issues, and on and on.  The concern of the Democrats should be what they stand for and not just how to help the people, but how to not be a hindrance to success once people achieve it.  It shouldn't be just about propaganda and getting people to begin thinking a certain way, but standing up and fighting for things we can all believe in.

The racism has to stop on all ends.  This white male bashing is ridiculous.  Old white men built this country along with black men, Hispanic men, Japanese men...  Let's not forget the women.  One of the best ways to end this is to begin thinking of ourselves as just Americans and stop racially dividing ourselves.  Racial politics happen on all sides, and it needs to stop.  Until we stop looking at things the way we do, we're going to continue to be a country that has elections where the winner barely wins because their appeal doesn't cross party lines.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Few Thoughts On The 2016 Presidential Election Outcome

I had no horse in the Presidential race, because I didn't support either of the two major candidates, although I dislike our President Elect less.  I think we dodged a bullet and perhaps, I say perhaps, we've slowed the decline in this country. Too soon to tell.

I see the stars that are supposed to be leaving if their girl doesn't win. While I certainly won't miss any of them, I'm sad to see Snoop Dogg on that list. It is my hope that he'll spark one up, legally now, write a rap song about it and forget about it. If he can do that with Samuel Jackson, that would be great.

Mr. Trump has said a lot of things, and one of them has to do with lifting up the black community by giving them tax breaks to help build the inner cities again. So, these two men, whom I've found entertaining, could be a part of inspiring blacks to step up and be the leaders in "Making America Great Again" that Mr. Trump would like them to be.

I watched the election in amazement. I expected that the fix was in, and I personally believe it was. The problem was, they couldn't fix it enough. I believe Mrs. Clinton may have been in shock, which led to her waiting to give a concession speech.

I want to emphasize that "Liberal Media" is not a real term to me. It's "Corporate Media" for reasons I could get into another time. You WOULD NOT have Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Fox News and so on if it were truly a Liberal Media. People are being manipulated, but it's much more sophisticated than that, in my opinion.

Anyway, the media was in shock too. You can say they were wrong in the polls, which they were, but the fix was in. The problem was the people who voted for Mr. Trump did so in bigger numbers than they could switch to Clinton or others. Some who did vote Trump unfortunately didn't ultimately do so. The fix was supposed to be in. The media could have called the electoral win much sooner, and they did not. The media may have even been hoping for a 2000-like controversy. The media was NOT on Trump's side at any time and tried to bury him at every opportunity.

I question why Clinton did not accept her obvious defeat. If she has the "leadership skills" she boasts about, sometimes that means coming out at a time like this and being gracious. That didn't happen until this morning. Why? Well, at the time it was known that she lost, Trump still led the popular vote, and there were also protests getting started with typical vandalism in several areas.

She probably knew that the Popular Vote would swing her way for all to see, and we can engage in the argument of whether Electoral Votes should decide things. I wrote in one of my books how I thought there could be riots if Popular and Electoral had different winners and admitted I was surprised it didn't happen in 2000. Well, the anger is obvious in this country now. Will this election be what finally sparks it?

Nobody should be surprised by this outcome. This whole election was about people wanting REAL change, not slogans that mean nothing. The powers that be buried it at every opportunity.  Bernie Sanders should have been the Democrat against Trump, but the powers that be robbed him. There was growing interest in the third party alternatives, Dr. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson, and the media ignored them and did their best to bury them.

By the way, Johnson still got over 4 million votes, the biggest total in Libertarian Party history. Dr. Stein had 1.2 million, which is the biggest Green total since Ralph Nader in 2000. Despite their effort to bury the third party candidates, over 6 million voted for them. Imagine what might have been if Dr. Stein and Johnson had been allowed into the debate? But, they weren't allowed. That is NOT what the powers that be wanted.

And, the powers that be CLEARLY wanted Clinton. I predicted three years ago that we'd get forced another Bush or Clinton on election day, and they tried to give us Clinton. They did not want Trump, and they tried to make him go away. How many of you thought that man was a joke? I did. I've watched this guy since the 1980's, and was never particularly a fan. All the people lamenting the NFL because players are overpaid and not standing for the National Anthem, we had a pretty neat alternative called the USFL in the 1980's until Trump got a hold of it.

That is NOT a deal breaker to me, and there is more to life than sports. I've looked at things he's said and done through the years and just shook my head. He's always been about self promotion and money. I just figured he'd run long enough to turn it into a business opportunity, a new book, a TV show or network or whatever. How many of you thought the same thing?

Then, he butted heads with Bush. I admit that was a beautiful thing. What he said to Mrs. Clinton in that debate about locking her up... Priceless. He would NOT go away. Ultimately, I could not make the choice between the lesser of two evils, though I felt he was slightly less evil. I also don't believe he's in the pocket of the same powers that have run this county since Bush Sr. However, there is more than one faction of "The Elite" running this world, and they themselves fight for control. I also hold out hope in my book that perhaps there are those in that group who actually care about us commoners. It is my belief that the people pulling the strings of the other recent presidents do not care about us.

So, is Trump different? What makes him better than Obama, Clinton or either Bush? Can he make it to Reagan or Kennedy level? That brings me to another thought. I have listened to what our President Elect has been saying. Releasing the 28 pages? Cutting taxes and building our country, investigating Clinton, term limits to remove career politicians, securing our borders, bringing jobs back to this country and on and on...

I listened to that speech he gave early in the morning on election day in Michigan, and damned if that wasn't inspiring. Was that Reagan or Trump? Does he mean it? I went to bed thinking to myself that this is a time for Trump believers to pray to God (Well, I believe) or all that is good for a couple of reasons.

Pray that this man believes what he says as far as fixing this country, really cares about us and will be working hard to do what he says. He will need all the help he can get, because the powers he is fighting are dug in deep now. Secondly, pray for his safety. If he truly means it, he is not a safe man now. I mean, look at Reagan and Kennedy. They tried to kill Reagan and they did kill Kennedy, a public execution that our country still hasn't healed from all these years later.

Pray for the healing of this country. I don't know about you, but I can feel it. The planet, the people... There's a sad energy or something that I have felt for years, but we can still fix it. We have to start caring. We have to reach out to people who still hold different views and find common ground. We are all Americans. We are all citizens of this planet. We all bleed red, and we ultimately have a lot more in common than we may realize.

I don't think our country can handle much more of things going the way they have in recent years. If you sincerely blame Obama and somehow ignore Bush, you are deluding yourself. If you think either of them truly ran the show... If Trump doesn't believe his own words, it will become obvious quickly and things will just get worse. If he believes it, the work is just beginning. It will be a long, long process, because we didn't get here over night.

Don't hate others who didn't vote the way you did. I do not hate anybody who voted their conscience. I know a lot of my friends on social media voted Trump. You wanted it, you got it. Don't expect him to do it all. He still needs you to be leaders by doing your part to actually help make this country great. I have good friends who voted Clinton, and I still love them because they are people I have seen do their part to make this country great without a politician telling them to.

That's my opinion on this election. Live your lives to the fullest, love with all of your heart and be happy. Real change in the wold starts locally and spreads from city to city, county to county, state to state and so on.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Was Laverne Cox MIscast In The New Rocky Horror Picture Show

I happened to turn on the TV and saw that The Rocky Horror Picture Show was on Fox. It was a remake. I'm not going to start a rant on remakes here and why most of them are so bad. Usually, it has to do with the "modern spin" they always choose to put on a movie in a misguided effort to make it better.

I had nothing better to do. I decided to give this version a chance. It only took until Frank N Furter entered the picture to see that this was going to be a different show and would surely create a controversy. Transgender actress Laverne Cox took on the role.

This brings the first question. Was she doing it just because it would be fun to take on the role that made Tim Curry famous, or was she wanting to start the debate that her appearing in the role would cause? If it was the latter, that was a brilliant move.

Laverne's appearance in this role started the conversation about the various sub groups within the transgender community. You see, the T in LGBT has it's own big umbrella. There are cross dressers, sissies, transvestites, gender fluid, transgender (pre op, non op and post op) and other groups I'm sure I'm forgetting.

When Curry made the role famous, he was clearly playing a bisexual transvestite. The "horror" of the movie had to do with the idea that he had captured this couple and would have his way sexually with them, basically against their will, and that they might eventually submit and become one of them. There was the "stigma" of being gay.  Plus, you had the sense that Frank was dangerous and could snap at any time and kill them if the mood took him.

One of the debates over Cox taking this role is that she is transgender. She identifies as a woman. That's what transgender is. You don't identify in the gender in which you were born, and you seek to transition to the other gender, male to female or female to male. That's what transgender is.

Transvestite is entirely different. It's a clothing and sexual fetish. You may be a man who will dress in societal norms, and then at times you will dress in clothing and go for the whole appearance of the opposite gender. And, sex is one of the goals for a transvestite. There's sometimes the appeal of the blurry lines. If you are a male dressing as female and have sex with a man as his "woman" of the moment, you aren't gay because of how you were dressed. This is the way some transvestites think. They might never engage in sex with a man if they are dressed as a man themselves.

So, knowing that the original movie has a male transvestite in the lead role, was Laverne Cox the appropriate person for this part? There's big debate over that, and I'll add my two cents. I don't believe she belonged in that role, and it took some of the edge away from the movie.

There's a question some men may not want to honestly answer to anybody, but I'll ask it anyway. If Tim Curry's portrayal of Frank forced himself on you, would you submit or would you fight it? If Cox's portrayal did the same thing, what would be your answer? I'm willing to bet that more men would play with Laverne. I know it's an uncomfortable question to ask, because people are still freaked out by the transgender community enough to commit violence against them in 2016.

When it comes to the role, I heard it suggested that Laverne was just too pretty to pull it off. I agree that she is a beautiful woman, and in this case, that's not what the role calls for. In the original, you know Frank is a he. In the remake, the female pronouns are used more, because that's just natural for Laverne. She is a transgender woman. I would never disrespect her by suggesting otherwise.

The thing that freaks the heterosexual male out about transgender women is that some women have done so much to make themselves beautiful and feminine that the men themselves can't "tell" by looking at them. So, some of these women will appeal to certain men enough to want to have sex with them. When the subject of her "born gender" comes up, it messes with the man's head, and the gay discussion takes over.

Hence, the biggest reason the T is in LBGBT when the T has needs that don't always jibe with the LGB. Many transgender people don't want to fight a cause, be in anybody's face or any of that. They are the gender they present and want to be accepted as they are, not talked about in terms of what they "used to be" or any of that.

This is another struggle that so many go through in the transgender community as they start their transition. People can "tell" what gender they were born just by looking at them. Adding further insult is the fact that despite the efforts to present themselves in public, there are some people who refuse to acknowledge them properly when they can see the obvious effort being made. She is still a he to them, and that brings up another insensitive comment I read in the post movie discussion.

It was the discussion about whether Laverne herself has had the surgery, which I personally feel is out of bounds. Somebody made the rather disrespectful comment that no matter what she had "cut off" she was still a he or an it. To those who don't understand, these thoughts go through the minds of many who transition, and some are still suicidal over the whole thing. They don't doubt that they are doing the right thing. What they struggle with is the idea that they will never completely be that gender, no matter how they look.

People like to rate a transgender person on how they look. She's passable, that's a man and so on. Cox herself was judged in portraying Frank, and some said she was just too pretty for the role. The role required a man in woman's clothing. This may be true, but Hollywood loves to miscast. Consider all of the transgender roles that clearly called for somebody like Cox, yet went to naturally born or "cisgender" women. Yes, there are transgender actresses who constantly get overlooked.

I don't personally feel this version of Rocky Horror measured up to the 1975 movie. How could it? But, Laverne and the cast gave it their all, and I can't fault them for that. Cox had fun with the role, and she intentionally or unintentionally sparked a conversation that can lead to better understanding of the transgender community. That's a good thing.

Even in this discussion, the Trump vs Clinton election had to rear it's ugly head. Curry had a role as the narrator, and he's still recovering from a stroke suffered in 2012. Somebody asked a question that appeared insensitive because they discussed his performance not being so good. Automatically, this person was branded as hateful and intolerant, which apparently can only be the case if you are a Republican.

The reality is, ignorance has no political, ideological, racial or religious preference. We are all guilty of it from time to time. Fortunately, we all have the opportunity to grow and learn as human beings. One of the nice things about Laverne Cox taking on the role of Frank N Furter is that it gives people a chance to engage in a discussion about transgender issues and come to more of an understanding.

Friday, October 7, 2016

What If You Don't Like Either Candidate?

I had a political thought. I'm with Monty Brewster. None Of The Above. It makes me sad the way people are talking about people who are voting for somebody they don't support. News flash, folks. The politicians don't give a damn about us and will do what they want regardless of who gets in.
The price of food, rent and everything else will still leave many of us living from paycheck to paycheck. And the politicians and the corporate billionaires who buy them off will just get richer as the real agenda moves forward. You want to really make America great again? Do it yourself by starting within your community.
I don't support Trump or Clinton, because they both leave much to be desired. I dislike Clinton a little more, but there is no way I could ever in good conscience vote for the lesser of two evils. Why? I still think that person is evil and not for the people. Haven't we learned by now what we get when we do that?
I have friends who will vote for Clinton. I have friends who will vote for Trump. I disagree with their staunch support of their candidate of choice. That doesn't make them stupid or anything else. If they are voting from the heart, I can respect that. No need for name calling.
We all see it. The world is turning upside down. We've been on a steady decline for years, and it's gotten worse since that fateful day 15 years ago. People can feel it. People are scared. What do you do? What has happened to this country in the last 30 years? How did it happen? Who is to blame?
Then, we get into election season and people start thinking that their vote is going to make a difference. It's not, of course. My friends in California are largely Trump supporters. California will go for Hillary regardless. Popular votes don't matter. Electoral votes do. California could run a piece of turd against a Republican (and they sort of are), but that piece of turd would win.
The county is more divided than ever. This left vs right nonsense is only one example. Religions are pitted against each other. People hate on Muslims the way the country hated on all people of Japanese decent back in WW2. But not all of any group is evil. Every group has bad elements. I'm not fond of Christians who preach hate, which I know Jesus would not condone.
Black Lives Matter? No. ALL lives matter. Not all black people are bad because a few get stupid and are baited by certain black authority figures on TV. Not all police are bad because we have some rogue cops who act like Judge Dredd and go beyond their job description. Not all Mexicans are bad for coming here and looking for a better life. It's all being used, this and that, to destroy this country.
How do we change it? By realizing that we are being pitted against each other in an act of divide and conquer while the global elite who have most of the money, own most of the stuff and have most of the power take control. They are laughing at us all. They don't care about any of us. Useless eaters is what we are to them.
What do I know? I know that I don't know everything. I'm learning every day. I don't have the answers. I have more questions, but I will never stop learning and seeking the truth. My mantra is simple. Question Everything. Listen to everything, but don't believe what you hear until you can verify it. We are being lied to at every turn. Just remember, God gave you a brain. Use it. Don't let anybody think for you.

Star Trek Continues A Faithful Tribute To The Original

If you're like me, you weren't thrilled by the reboot of the Star Trek franchise on the big screen.  It has all of the fancy special effects, but it lacks that certain feel that the older movies or the five series had.  Call it the Gene Roddenberry vision.  Call it what you will, but there's a segment of fans of this franchise that want Star Trek to be Star Trek.

Fortunately, there is a man who has stepped in to make Star Trek happen in a way that most of us probably never anticipated with Star Trek Continues.  His name is Vic Mignogna, and he is a life long fan of the original Star Trek series.  In fact, if you've listened to him discuss what this show and William Shatner's portrayal of Captain Kirk meant to him as a kid, you know he is a man dedicated to creating a show faithful to the vision of series creator Gene Roddenberry.  The look, sound and feel of this show are on a level unseen since the original series ran in the 1960's.

Vic started the Star Trek Continues effort differently that most fan created endeavors.  He didn't start a crowd finding campaign for his first episode, Pilgrim Of Eternity.  He felt that he needed to prove to the fans that he could do it.  Therefore, he funded the first episode out of his own pocket.  This was an unofficial sequel to an original series episode titled Who Mourns For Adonis.  Vic even convinced Michael Forrest to reprise his role as Apollo.  The episode was a hit with the fans, and successful crowd funding campaigns have enabled the crew to make six more episodes since then.

If you've watched any of the first seven episodes created by Vic and the wonderful cast and crew, you would agree that these episodes could have run back when the original series ran.  Star Trek Continues picks up where the original show went off the air.  It was originally a five year mission, and these episodes are meant to be a continuation of that mission.  Officially, it is not seen as series cannon, but Rod Roddenberry, son of Gene, has said that if his father were alive today, he would approve.  Rod goes on to say that it's official cannon as far as he's concerned.

In the recently released episode titled Embracing The Winds, the subject of women getting a chance to be starship captains in Starfleet is part of the story, while Chekov has his skills put to the test.  This show tackles topics that would have fit right into the original series, such as slavery in an episode involving the Orions.  The episode is called Lolani, and it's a favorite with many fans.  They also return to the Mirror, Mirror universe for a really good episode called The Fairest Of Them All.

The climate for Star Trek fan created content is a bit rough as CBS and Paramount have taken legal action against some fan created projects.  Star Trek: Axanar is in limbo as the matter may end up in court next year.  The Star Trek: Renegades series, which included Trek alumni Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig and Tim Russ, removed Star Trek from their name in a concern over legal issues.  Mignogna has made it clear that they are not deriving any profit from this show, they claim no ownership of it and it's being created simply for fans to enjoy.

One reason it might be wise for Paramount to leave this show alone is there is still a segment of fans who do not like the new direction the franchise has taken in recent years.  Many of these fans turn to Star Trek Continues for their one or two new episodes a year.  Letting this continue would be a good public relations move on behalf of Paramount.  As long as the Star Trek Continues crew is not selling the content and profiting from it, it's not harming the franchise owners.  It's only helping grow the brand.

As of September, we've heard of no legal issues against the Star Trek Continues crew.  They debuted Embrace The Winds at the beginning of September.  Mignogna revealed that he himself has invested in the neighborhood of $150,000 of his own money to make this show a reality.  He likens it to a hobby.  After bills are paid, you have money to spend on entertainment.  This, he says, is his entertainment.

What might make Paramount feel threatened enough to shut down this amazing recreation of the original Star Trek is the fact that they are preparing to launch a brand new weekly TV series.  If they view these new episodes as a threat to that, they might act on it.  In all reality, most of the Star Trek fans who watch this show will watch anything officially Star Trek that is released.  One would hope that they will look at this show and see it for the loving tribute to the original that it is and let it continue.

Some have speculated that CBS could offer this show a TV deal.  It seems unlikely for a prime time spot to open up, but what if they put it some place in late night or got a syndication deal to air it on weekends?  Syndication was what relaunched Star Trek back in the 1980's with The Next Generation.  Some people bristle at this idea as it takes the creative freedom away from Vic and his crew.  On the other hand, such a deal could almost assure the five year mission would be seen to the end with a good enough budget to make it easier for them to do their thing.

When you think about it, the Star Trek Continues crew is working within the same sort of budget that the original series had.  They improvise when they have to and let the story keep you entertained.  It's not about the flashy special effects that so many of the science fiction efforts rely on these days.  It's good writing and the acting skills of Vic Mignogna (James T. Kirk), Todd Haberkorn (Spock), Chuck Huber (Leonard H. McCoy), Chris Doohan (Montgomery Scott), Grant Imahara (Hikaru Sulu), Kim Stinger (Nyota Uhura), Wyatt Lenhart (Pavel A. Chekov) and Michele Specht (Elise McKennah) that make Star Trek Continues so good.

Check Out The Episodes On The Star Trek Continues Website By Clicking HERE

Alex Jones Trolled Or Misinformed On Wikileaks News Conference?

Self proclaimed alternative media leader Alex Jones admitted that he got trolled by the supposed big announcement of Julian Assange of Wikileaks early Tuesday morning.  Jones decided to have a special live edition of his show to cover the early morning event after reports that what was going to be released could prove to be damaging to Hillary Clinton and ultimately lead to the end of her presidential campaign.

This Wikileaks conference turned out to be more about celebrating ten years of releasing documents.  Before Assange ever spoke, there were other speakers discussing the process they go through to release the data, the very real threats on people's lives for doing it and highlighting some of their accomplishments.  By the times Assange spoke, he merely hinted at things to come as they continue to do what they do.  He also noted the Americans watching the live stream by saying that 3 in the morning is not when Wikileaks releases that type of information.

At that point, Jones pretty much lost it and lamented the fact that he had been "trolled" by Assange.  But, had he?  Leading up to this moment, Assange had only hinted at what he might have concerning Clinton and indicated that it was interesting and entertaining.  He never really said that what he had was some sort of "October Surprise" even though others had insinuated that.  In fact, he mentioned that others were misquoting him and making assumptions.

Who are these others he might be referring to?  One would be former Donald Trump "right hand man" Roger Stone, who had gone on the Infowars show with Jones and said that the information was bombshell and  would be the end of Clinton's campaign.  He even hinted at the idea that he and Assange had spoken privately on the matter.  This appears to be the information Jones went with before doing the special broadcast, and it highlights a problem with the news he produces on his shows and website.

As a show and news site that offers different theories and perspectives on the news, Infowars has it's moments.  There are times when they are very much on target.  However, there are other times when they are off the mark, engaged in pure speculation or obviously coming at it with their own agenda.  That's no different than what a mainstream left or right news site might do.  They can give you things to think about, but in the end you might want to dig a little deeper before you blindly believe everything you hear.

In the case of Jones, one of his core themes through the years when he's spoken of presidential politics has been that left vs right doesn't matter.  At their core, they are still owned by the people who are destroying our country.  Neither candidate is for the people.  He's even spoken about how picking between the lesser of two evils is still evil.  However, Jones has unapologetically thrown his support behind Donald Trump.  In fact, he's gone so far as to attack the Libertarian option, making allegations against Gary Johnson that seem a bit far fetched.
One might speculate as to why Jones has done this.  Is it because he merely wants to stop Clinton, which obviously is one reason?  Or is it his attempt to rise into the mainstream media if/when Trump wins and pad his own pockets?  His true motives are his own, but it is obvious that Jones is selling the notion that Clinton must be stopped and Trump is somehow going to save America.  Because of that, he took the bait set more by Stone than Assange, rather than research it a little bit more.  If you've followed Jones, this isn't the first or last time he's done this with a story.

In the end, nothing relevant came out of the press conference, other than the fact that Wikileaks is celebrating ten years and people have died for getting real information out to the people.  People in high places want the founder of Wikileaks put away permanently and have spoken of his assassination.  But, at least for now, there is no bombshell revelation about Clinton.  As for anybody trolling Alex Jones?  One might point a finger at Stone or Jones himself.  You'd think Jones would do more research before jumping right into something like this.  Then again, this is something William Cooper tried to warn people of years ago.  It appears as if Jones still hasn't learned.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Neal Morse, Spock's Beard Reunite For Two Shows

Spock's Beard is one of the best progressive rock bands of the last 20 years.  In 2001, they were getting set to record their sixth studio album, and it would become a two CD concept album called Snow.  Neal Morse was the principle songwriter and singer for the band, and he was going through a spiritual journey of his own, somewhat along the lines of the character Snow.

The story on the album follows the journey of Snow.  He's gifted in the ability to connect with people spiritually and help them with their troubles.  He leaves his small town and goes to new York City, where he meets all sorts of interesting characters, becomes famous, let's it get to his head, falls for a girl who dumps him, looses control and somehow comes out better in the end.

Writing began around the time of 9/11/2001.  As the album neared completion, Neal had his own spiritual awakening and became a Born Again Christian.  When the album was released, he left the band to pursue his own path in music.  He also urged the band to continue on.  They did a couple of acoustic sets to promote Snow, and then parted ways  The band immediately went back into the studio without Neal to record their next album.

Neal didn't stay away from music.  In fact, he's been quite prolific in doing several solo albums, mostly progressive rock.  He's also recorded with Transatlantic, Flying Colors and other groups.  He recently did Morsefest, an event where he performed along with other bands.  His old band, Spock's Beard, was invited.  For the occasion, they performed the entire Snow album from start to finish for the first time.  They later repeated the performance in Germany.

The group performed as if they never missed a beat.  Neal's renditions of Long Time Suffering and I Am The Guy were highlights, along with Nick D'Virgilio's version of Welcome To New York City.  Neal was visibly moved near the end when he played I Will Go.  No doubt, the significance of the moment and all of the old memories came rushing back right then.

Snow is seen in the progressive rock community as one of the band's best albums.  In studio, it was the band at their best.  It may have been that moment where they were about to take it to the next level, but instead it was a fitting last recorded statement by the original five members, Neal Morse and his brother Alan Morse, Dave Meros, Nick D'Virgilio and Ryo Okumoto.

The cameras were rolling for these shows, and Neal will be releasing a live DVD through his Radiant Records Label.  He is about to release a new Neal Morse Band CD in November.  Three of the others continue to tour as Spock's Beard and have recorded several CD's since Neal's departure.  D'Virgilio left the band n 2011 to pursue a solo career.  When the live performance of Snow is released, it will be a must have for Spock Beard fans and progressive rock fans in general.

The Battle Of Good Vs. Evil

With each passing day, I'm really starting to believe that a great evil is ruling this world. It is a spirit led by greed and selfishness and destruction, and it is everywhere. You can feel it in the air if you pay attention.

What is this evil? Is it of Satan or Lucifer or any of the evil entities we've heard named in the past? Does The Bible warn of this? Should we take The Bible or anything religion says seriously? Where do you turn when you know this evil is wrong?

I mention religion and I know people will cringe. Who could blame them? We've heard of the things priests of the church have done with children. We've heard of the killing in the past for the church. We see the judgmental attitude of people who claim to be of God.

However, I don't really believe the church or any priest speaks for God. How presumptuous of man to think that he can speak for the Divine Creator of all? You don't find God in a church. You find God in the very world that was created for us to dwell upon. You find God in your heart if your heart is open to it.

I don't have all the answers. I just know we've been taught of the end times. I look at the greed of the world. So many have way more than they need while others suffer without. Nobody seems to really care about all the death and wars, murders and even abortions. People are numb to it.

People tune out to the reality through their TV's and computers, and some speak out. The problem is those people are labeled as racists or crazy. If you don't go along with what the mainstream tells you, you can be vilified, and you can even lose your job.

There's just so many crazy things that it's hard to keep up with it all. The narrative increasingly is that there are too many people, we are killing the earth and we are some sort of virus. This sort of talk is getting louder and louder, and it's not normal talk. If you pay attention, you'll see it.

Where does all of this come from? I think it comes from a dark place, and increasingly I realize that there is an evil force taking over. I'm not a religious person, though I am spiritual in a way. I just know that if I'm going to pick a side, I choose the light over the darkness. I don't know if I'm good enough, but I want to be on the side of goodness.