Friday, October 7, 2016

What If You Don't Like Either Candidate?

I had a political thought. I'm with Monty Brewster. None Of The Above. It makes me sad the way people are talking about people who are voting for somebody they don't support. News flash, folks. The politicians don't give a damn about us and will do what they want regardless of who gets in.
The price of food, rent and everything else will still leave many of us living from paycheck to paycheck. And the politicians and the corporate billionaires who buy them off will just get richer as the real agenda moves forward. You want to really make America great again? Do it yourself by starting within your community.
I don't support Trump or Clinton, because they both leave much to be desired. I dislike Clinton a little more, but there is no way I could ever in good conscience vote for the lesser of two evils. Why? I still think that person is evil and not for the people. Haven't we learned by now what we get when we do that?
I have friends who will vote for Clinton. I have friends who will vote for Trump. I disagree with their staunch support of their candidate of choice. That doesn't make them stupid or anything else. If they are voting from the heart, I can respect that. No need for name calling.
We all see it. The world is turning upside down. We've been on a steady decline for years, and it's gotten worse since that fateful day 15 years ago. People can feel it. People are scared. What do you do? What has happened to this country in the last 30 years? How did it happen? Who is to blame?
Then, we get into election season and people start thinking that their vote is going to make a difference. It's not, of course. My friends in California are largely Trump supporters. California will go for Hillary regardless. Popular votes don't matter. Electoral votes do. California could run a piece of turd against a Republican (and they sort of are), but that piece of turd would win.
The county is more divided than ever. This left vs right nonsense is only one example. Religions are pitted against each other. People hate on Muslims the way the country hated on all people of Japanese decent back in WW2. But not all of any group is evil. Every group has bad elements. I'm not fond of Christians who preach hate, which I know Jesus would not condone.
Black Lives Matter? No. ALL lives matter. Not all black people are bad because a few get stupid and are baited by certain black authority figures on TV. Not all police are bad because we have some rogue cops who act like Judge Dredd and go beyond their job description. Not all Mexicans are bad for coming here and looking for a better life. It's all being used, this and that, to destroy this country.
How do we change it? By realizing that we are being pitted against each other in an act of divide and conquer while the global elite who have most of the money, own most of the stuff and have most of the power take control. They are laughing at us all. They don't care about any of us. Useless eaters is what we are to them.
What do I know? I know that I don't know everything. I'm learning every day. I don't have the answers. I have more questions, but I will never stop learning and seeking the truth. My mantra is simple. Question Everything. Listen to everything, but don't believe what you hear until you can verify it. We are being lied to at every turn. Just remember, God gave you a brain. Use it. Don't let anybody think for you.