Friday, November 18, 2022

Homeless People Still Matter

Homeless People Still Matter

I was having an amazing day yesterday with a friend. She brought over a Trans Pride Flag,  something I'm going to use for a broadcast elsewhere. We were driving past this spot of land where a lady had put up a tent. It was basically her home. 

She had expanded it a little bit in the six or so months that she was there. She would always go around and tidy up outside . She had a couple of doggies, but she shushed them when they were barking too much. She never stood with her hand out or asked for anything.

My friend and I were a little bit horrified to watch people with gloves on taking apart her tent. I thought for sure they were going to throw it out as she watched from the sidelines. At least ways they put her stuff to the side so that she was able to salvage something.

I get it. All these people are talking about voting and such. It's an election season, so the mayor is going to clean up the city or what have you. Depending on what their party affiliation, some of them are harder on the homeless than others. We should all say, "There but before the grace of God go I." It could be us in that spot.

We like to feel superior to other people. You're a lazy bum. You're a druggie or what have you. You're homeless because it's your fault. Some people do struggle with addictions that put them out there. Others had a bad break in life and ended up there. Some people have just chosen to live that lifestyle, but we're not better than any of them.

I'm fortunate that I didn't end up on the streets after I lost my home of 30 years. I know another person who feels very fortunate that she still has a roof over her head, despite the fact that she's not happy in that situation. We both know that if things went differently, we could be out on the streets.

I had to make some quick moves six years ago, or I had would have been on the streets. I moved to Oregon, which was better than being homeless in California. I'm grateful that I have what I have.

This year I've been very fortunate, because I returned to the state with my own little trailer. It has all of the things I need to keep me going. My little entertainment system, two beds, a bathroom, kitchenette and so on. Even more fortunate was the fact that I had a roommate for a month. God blessed me with that.

Some people would look at what I have and say it's nothing. It's above poverty. Maybe they're right, but I don't feel like I'm lacking. I do feel like I want to better my life, and where I live now helps improve my chances of making a better move. I still have to stay focused to make the right calls, because it's a tough world out there. Things can go badly .

For a homeless person, they're so far down the rung that getting that help isn't always easy. Some people don't feel they can. Some people don't feel worthy. When you have your home torn down, and it may be a tent to others, it's demoralizing. It's degrading, and I felt for that lady.

I walked over and handed her some money, which I am happy to do when I can. I'm not special. She asked me if I was sure, and I said The Lord would want me to. I told her God Bless her.

She was just happy to know somebody cared. Maybe I brightened her day a little bit. Maybe she gets a meal. She definitely knows somebody cares.

We need to keep in mind that homeless people are not lesser than. Just because we have it better, doesn't mean we are better. We show that we are good when we take our fortune and help others with it. 

I don't have much, but I had enough to help her a little bit. I'm grateful to The Lord that I was able to do it.