Saturday, November 7, 2020

This Election Only Divided Our Country Further

It's a sad day in the United States. I'm not going to get too deep into talking about Joe Biden or Donald Trump. We are a polarized nation right now, and people definitely have strong opinions about both candidates. Looking at the numbers right now, both candidates got more votes than any elected president in the history of the nation. Some will call it good news that more people came out to vote than ever before.

We've been divided in this nation for a long time. It's been a slow descent into what some see as inevitable chaos. I see terms being thrown around like civil war, and it makes me sad. I've watched people who would be considered left-wing out on the streets rioting and burning down buildings, while the people on the right have been called racist. The media and politicians are even insinuating that the people on the right are going to cause problems in this nation. Why are they worried? Maybe it's because they know what all of this is leading to?

Gone are the days, it seems, when a president could unite people on both sides of the aisle. Bill Clinton certainly had his critics, but at times it seemed like he could unite the people. Ronald Reagan had his detractors, but he was maybe the best president of the last 50 years when it came to giving a speech that could bring people together. Even people on the left might say something like, "The guy sucks, but he's right about this." Reagan could unite us and make us feel hopeful about the future, which is something we need now more than ever.

My observations led me to the belief that this divide really became noticeable as we got into the 2000s. It was slowly trending that way in the decade leading up to it. From Bush to Obama, people were becoming more polarized. What came before is what led to President Trump. The man has his supporters, but he also has people who practically came unhinged at the mere mention of his name. Some will say that Trump lacks the personality or whatever you want to call it to inspire and unite the people. I can't disagree with that sentiment. 

What I can say is what was offered as an alternative was lacking. While some people on the left are going to cheer if/when the day comes that Biden gets inaugurated, others are going to dig in deep. The divide in this country is going to continue. The way this election went down has people asking serious and honest questions. I don't believe those questions will ever be answered. The thing you usually hear after an election will be said once again. It's time for everybody to unite behind the president. That's what they always say, but it's just not going to happen.

Can Biden give a speech that will unite the people? Take a good hard look at the man and the speeches he's been giving this year, and you tell me. However, people are still going to look at the results and the way they were rolled out and question their legitimacy. No amount of censoring people's honest questions on social media and barring people from discussing it on television will stop that from happening. The divide we've been experiencing in this nation is only going to get worse because we still don't have a leader who can truly bring us all together and make us feel hopeful.