Monday, November 16, 2020

The Perfect New Name For The Washington NFL Football Team

The Washington Redskins are no more. PC cancel culture has claimed another prize. It's a shame to see such a long-standing tradition be ended the way it has, but this is what happens when you let PC culture run wild.

I admit I don't watch much professional sports these days. It seems to be fashionable for people to say they're no longer watching it anymore based on what's going on in the world today, but I gave up on it for a different reason.

I don't much like the way some games are rigged, and they do get rigged. I also don't care for how taxpayer money is used for funding these new stadiums when the teams already had stadiums. The owners themselves should foot the bill.

The Washington Redskins had a proud tradition as a team. There's a fight song that the fans all sang when the team was playing well. Yeah, they had their own fight song, and to my knowledge that's the only team in the league that had a fight song written specifically for them.

I know people say the name is derogatory against Native Americans, and I'd kindly disagree with that notion. The name and what it really represented speaks more to the fighting spirit and never giving up.

Whatever your stance may be in regards to Native Americans when this county started to grow and expand out west, you have to respect their fighting spirit and the fact that even now Native American culture survives. Native American culture should never die.

I get it. we can't be offended by anything anymore, so everything perceived as bad must be canceled. This is a trend folks, so get used to it. If the politically correct types have their way, we're all going to get canceled eventually.

I've been thinking about the day the Washington team has to come up with a new name, and I've got the perfect solution. I think we should rename them the Washington Woke. It's perfect for today's times.

Take that generic NPC character that's been popularized on social media. The character that's always outraged by things. This character was used in the "Orange Man Bad" meme that made the rounds a few years ago. That is the team's new logo and mascot.

The name Washington Woke flows from the tongue. A lot of people like to be woke these days. There's a difference between being woke and being awake. Woke people basically feel the way they're told to feel. People who are awake think for themselves and strive to learn the truth.

It'll take a little getting used to, but I think the name change can work. You won't have the Dallas Cowboys versus the Washington Redskins anymore. In fact, maybe Cowboys should be renamed because it might be offensive as well.