Friday, November 13, 2020

The 2020 Presidential Election Still Raises Suspicions

The 2020 election was a mess. I think people can agree on that, no matter where they stand with the candidates. Obviously, there are going to be people happier with the outcome than others, but it's still going to be a bumpy ride all the way up to inauguration day and beyond. This was a contentious election, and there were some things said leading up to election day that are going to raise suspicions in those who don't believe we had a fair election. I won't get into that any further in this observation.

However, I dispute the notion that it needed to take four days after the votes were cast to declare a winner. Given the technology that we have in this country and our abilities, it's simply not plausible or realistic. I know there are explanations. I know there were people floating the narrative well before election day that this was going to happen. However, that just caused further concern and was one of the points President Trump was making about mail in ballots. Again, I don't want to go there in this observation.

What I will say is this election raises suspicions in those who are distrustful of the government and the process itself. There were people watching the numbers. There were people in various precincts all across the country who were observing things that raised their suspicions. Social media has been censoring people for pointing out certain things. All the while, we've waited for something to happen. It did happen, but it happened in the middle of the night.

We had states shift from one side to the other, but it happened in the middle of the night. It wasn't happening in broad daylight, and it looked suspicious. What was happening in broad daylight was the news networks flashing those numbers in everybody's faces. Even though a winner hadn't been declared, it was almost like they were preparing everybody for what they were about to do. It just looked suspicious, giving more justification for the outrage expressed by the people who didn't like the outcome.

It could be harmless. It may be just as they presented it. Maybe it all happened just that way. Maybe it was all natural. Then again, maybe it wasn't. Maybe questions need to be asked. There's another way to look at this if you believe the numbers and feel that Joe Biden has won this election fair and square. Even you would have to admit that the way he won looked suspicious. Perhaps it was meant to look suspicious. The question at this point would be, why would they want to make a legitimate election look suspicious?

To that, I wish I had an answer that was positive, but I don't. The only reason I can think of for them to make a legitimate Joe Biden victory looks suspicious was because they wanted half the country to doubt his legitimacy, the same as we've had for the last 4 years with President Trump. They want to foment unrest in this country. Why would they want to do that? I have a few ideas, but none I wish to express in this observation. To me, something doesn't feel right with this. I will continue to look for the answer, whatever it may be.