Monday, December 11, 2017

Using A Smartphone To Write An Article

I just got myself a new smartphone to replace the one I broke a few months ago. The remarkable thing about these devices is that this little phone I hold in my hand has more ability than my very first desktop computer. And, technology continues to evolve.

Typing and editing can be tedious work. My current laptop has two busted keys, and that makes typing more of a chore for me. I'm actually doing a little bit of jogging in place while I dictate into my phone. This isn't something I could have done when I got my very first computer.

The scary part in all of this is where technology may be heading. A few years ago, I saw the reports about how they are creating AI programs that can actually write articles. Eventually, we'll be reading articles online that weren't even written by a human. In fact, there probably are such articles out there now.

I suppose one of my biggest concerns with all of this technology is that I don't believe it's making us smarter. It does make things a little bit easier for us, but the algorithms used in search engines and such are actually beginning to do our thinking for us.

I could get into more of this, but I've learned that these days it's better to do quick articles. It seems that people don't like reading long articles. I like writing longer articles, so this is an adjustment for me.  Go figure.