Friday, November 3, 2017

Corey Feldman's Clues Lead To Soda Pop Club

It's been an interesting week for Corey Feldman as he has started a campaign to make a movie naming the abusers of himself and his friend Corey Haim.  In all, Feldman says he knows of six.  His Indeagogo campaign to raise $10,000,000 has raised concerns from those who say this is all about money for him.  Money will be put towards legal council and security.  Anybody with half a brain knows that what he proposes, bringing down some of those responsible for pedophilia in Hollywood, is risky business.  This could ultimately cost him his life.

Some people have been analyzing the clues to determine who he is talking about.  One of his abusers, Marty Weiss, has already been convicted of similar crimes against other children.  One he just named on Dr. Oz, Cloyd Jon Grissom, has also been in trouble for similar crimes.  One abuser of Feldman appears to have been identified as Alphy Hoffman.  He has yet to come out and say it.  He's basically speaking in code.  His two big clues, The Soda Pop Club in Hollywood and the guy works for the L.A. Dodgers, led right to Hoffman.

Feldman has not come right out and said it, but he has tweeted other people who are saying it.  That's not something you do if there's no truth to it, or it would be a good way to get sued.  Hoffman has removed a Twitter page because people have been Tweeting him with accusations of his alleged crimes.  My opinion at this time is that it looks bad for Hoffman, and at this point he is the biggest name.  My fear is that the rest of the rats will scurry away while Hoffman takes the all blame, and the conspiracy researchers will have a field day with this one.

The biggest problem with what Corey is doing now is people are being named by researchers based purely on speculation.  I won't name those names here, but it simply is not good to hang that label on somebody if it doesn't belong there.  There is such a hatred of Hollywood that good people could get caught up in what the bad people did.  The bad people need to go down.  If Hoffman is indeed one of them, he needs to pay for it.

Hoffman is the biggest story in Feldman's movie if the six rumored names are true.  He's the biggest name in terms of the influence he had.  He had both Feldman and Haim hosting party's a his Soda Pop Club, and none of that is disputed.  He has pictures on his old MySpace page.  As Hoffman has removed his Twitter page, expect the MySpace page to be scrubbed any time.  There are fliers about some of those parties and pictures on his page.  Hoffman was there, no question about it.  And, there were many young stars of the 1980's at those parties.  Will they be joining Feldman as I know he hopes they will?

If you study the ways of the pedo groups.  There is the procurer of kids.  Hoffman's father has also been identified based on Feldman's clues, and he was involved in getting stars for various movies and TV shows.  This has led to speculation and finger pointing at other stars based on zero evidence.  Alphy got involved in the same line of work as his dad.  But really, the Soda Pop Club was the place to be.  This is where the predator's could pray on these kids, and this is a potentially huge story as well as a heart breaking story.  If these rumors are true, you could do a whole movie on that club.

To me, Hoffman feels like the potential sacrificial lamb of an even bigger story.  My fear is if he is officially identified as a pedophile and he does go down, the attempt will be made to end the story there.  It was all his fault.  I don't believe that, although a procurer of children is a sick bastard that needs to go down.  I believe there are people involved who go further up the ladder.  Other child stars know of them, whether they speak out or not.  Corey may know more than he intends to tell, and if Hoffman is the guy, he would certainly know.

If he is the one, taking a guy like Hoffman down is a good thing.  Feldman could make a compelling movie.  Nancy Grace, Dr. Phil and countless others would pick up the story.  People would clamor for every morsel of information they could get about this story, without digging deeper.  Hell, Matt Lauer and Megyn Kelly have enough clues to start an investigation on Hoffman right now, and they won't even go there.  They are gate keepers, not reporters.  If Hoffman goes down, they will do all they can to stop the trail with him, which they are probably doing right now.  They may not even want him to go down, but if he does, it can end with him.

The danger in that game is Hoffman may want to talk and name names.  If it gets that far, he will most likely meet an unfortunate end before he can really talk.  And, if that is the game, Feldman is not in danger.  He's part of a controlled release of information, wittingly or unwittingly.  He'll be seen as a hero, but unless others start talking, this story will die they way it has every other time it started to come out.  I'm happy to see any truth come out, but I'd prefer to see the whole ugly truth come out, even if it destroys a whole industry and forces it to start over.  To me, the biggest crime in the world is robbing children of their innocence.