Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Media Needs To Do Their Job With Corey Feldman

Do you remember a time when there were actual investigative Journalists?  Those days seem long past.  We now have partisan reporting and people reading off of teleprompters.  Corey Feldman is in the news, or at least the actor/singer should be.  He is now naming names of adult predators who he says molested him when he was a child.  The media is silent.  I've voiced my concerns about some of his actions as depicted in his own auto biography, but that's not the point here.  The point is there is a story to be investigated.

Corey has been hinting at things for years, but this current news started with his appearances on The Today Show with Matt Lauer and another interview with Megyn Kelly.  Lauer and Kelly profess to be real reporters for a supposedly reputable news source, NBC.  Yet neither of them did their homework before their interviews.  It's obvious that neither spent any time reading his auto biography or even researching what has been said.   Poor journalism.  It's almost as if they only reluctantly gave him a token interview.

Furthermore, Feldman dropped the Alphy Hoffman Soda Pop Club hint that day, and they did nothing with it.  Only the simplest of research would have revealed Hoffman is who Feldman was talking about.  Furthermore, Hoffman deleted a Twitter account that day, a move that should have raised more suspicion.  Once upon a time, real journalists would have had a camera near Hoffman as soon as possible, even if all they got was a, "No Comment."  They would have shown up at his home or place of business and made an attempt to get his response.

The fact that Hofman threw parties for under age movie stars in Hollywood without much parent supervision should at least raise the possibility that something could have happened with Corey and others as well.  A news special could easily be put together looking back on those days, interviewer people who were there and starting real discussion.  The fact that the main stream media is silent on this is disturbing.  They are too busy fueling the Russia and Trump political narrative to bother with this.  Pedophilia and the fact that it has happened and continues to happen in Hollywood and around the world is genuine news.  Others are coming out with their own stories of abuse.

While I have questions about Corey and I am an admitted fan of many of his movies, I have no doubt that he was molested as a child.  Therefore, I want to know what went on, how it was allowed to happen and who is guilty.  Two people who he says molested him are convicted pedophiles.  I'm unaware of any record for Hoffman, but he looks suspicious.  And another one who Corey mentions under an alias in his book was recently identified as having molested Corey Haim, according to Judy Haim.  There's enough evidence here to warrant a media investigation, even if California's legal system seems to not care about the victims.  So, why is the media so silent on this issue?