Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Has One Of Corey Feldman's Abusers Been Identified?

One can only imagine what Corey Feldman is going through now.  Unless you've been through it, you don't fully understand.  Corey has been speaking "in code" for quite some time about who his sexual abusers might be.  There are reasons one would do this.  I think fear is a factor.  You want people to know that this happened to you and to be able figure out who did it without telling them directly.  You feel guilt and shame that it happened to you, and you genuinely fear for your life.  In Corey's case, he has a family to protect too

Feldman has been attacked by some and defended by others since announcing his Indiegogo campaign of $10,000,000 to bring out the truth in a movie.  In two interviews yesterday with Matt Lauer and Megyn Kelly, he reiterated that he knows six names and will name them all.  He also said that because of the California statute of limitations, he needs a good team of lawyers for his defense, and he needs protection.  Knowing how high this can go, I don't doubt that he needs protection.  What he is doing can start a chain reaction that will bring out other victims who name other abusers.  In fact, this is the goal.

We will speculate here, based on what has been said and uncovered.

When The Two Corey's Reality TV show aired, Feldman and Coey Haim had a heated discussion.  Bear in mind, Reality IV is scripted, if you haven't figured that out yet.  Haim brought up an incident where he said, "I was raped, so to speak."  There's some code speak going on here.  Feldman revealed that it happened to him too, but Haim said something else interesting.  He said Feldman introduced him to this person.  He also said Feldman was still friends with him.  Both asked each other why they didn't help.  Both were victims.  In the middle of all of that, remember they were all making a lot of money, and people were depending on them.  Quite a bit of pressure for a couple of 14 year olds.

Haim did an interview with a reporter who was uncovering the truth of what went on at The Soda Pop Club in Hollywood.  Many of the teen and pre teen stars went there.  In the interview, Haim pointed out that Feldman invited him.  I doubt Feldman knew anything other than it was a place for the young stars to hang out.  This club was run by Alphy Hoffman.  This reporter seemed interested in whether Hoffman was involved in getting either Corey drugs.  Haim insisted repeatedly that he did not.  But, he emphasized that Hoffman was a bad person and he didn't like him.  He didn't discuss why.  Sadly, Corey Haim has since died, and I don't know if he ever said anything more on the subject of Hoffman.

If the signs point to Hoffman as an abuser of Haim, Feldman seems to indicate that he was a victim of Hoffman as well.  Two clues Feldman has recently put out there in TV interviews are The Soda Pop Club and the guy who ran that club now works for the LA Dodgers.  This has caused people to look all over for clues.  Hoffman made no secret of his pride in running the club or the fact that Feldman and Haim were two of the kids he hung out with.  An old MySpace account of Hoffman's still has pictures of him on stage with the two Corey's along with child actor Alfonso Ribiro.

Feldman said in his interview with Kelly last night that he has already named Marty Weiss as one of the six abusers.  His clues have now pointed a finger at Hoffman.  It's important to note that this is only speculation, but some people are already convinced that he is one of them.  Let's hope more truth will be brought to light in the days ahead.  People like Corey risk their lives when they dare to talk about things like this.  If you want to support his efforts to bring out the truth, click the link below.

Corey Feldman's TRUTH Campaign  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/corey-feldman-s-truth-campaign#/