Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Possible New Planet Discovered At Edge Of Our Solar System

At the far end of our solar system, beyond Pluto, astronomers believe there may be another planet. It wasn't long ago that they announced the discovery of dwarf planets Sedna and Biden.

The planet in question hasn't been conformed yet. They believe it would be much larger than Earth, but no speculation of any life there. In fact, it's doubtful that will be the case even if this planet is in fact confirmed.

The whole thing has me wondering. How well do we really know our own solar system? We know the planets that we know, but what if there's more lurking out there we have yet to conform. As people have pointed out, there are things we have yet to discover on our own planet in remote places.

We search with our telescopes, but other than the space shuttle and the trips to the moon years ago we haven't physically been off this planet to search. We have satellites, some of which are orbiting some planets, but how much do we truly know?

Now, the conspiratorial side of me would ask if they already know of a planet where life exists besides our own? How would we really know unless we were visited or saw some proof? Governments have been known to keep secrets, and there would be plenty of reason to keep this one.

I'm not saying I believe that. It's just a question of what if. I find this to be fascinating news. If there's a lot we have yet to understand about our own planet, what we have yet to learn about or own solar system is immense indeed. It's actually kind of exciting if you think about it.

Story on the possible planet: www.theverge.com/2014/3/26/5550788/planetoid-discovery-could-point-to-a-new-planet-in-our-solar-system