Friday, January 8, 2021

Internet Censorship Advocates Ought To Consider The Consequences

It's fashionable for people of a left-leaning ideology to advocate for censorship on the internet. As people on the right are being censored and in some cases deplatformed, people on the left are cheerleading the situation. They love to cite the idea that sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are owned by corporations. Therefore, they say the corporations are within their rights to stifle some speech while allowing other speech.

Often times, it's unfairly applied. Certain people are allowed to spew hate and even threaten others, and they don't even get a warning. Some people are shut down immediately. For the record, it shouldn't be okay to threaten physical harm to anybody online. If it's seen as a legitimate threat, the platform in question might have to take action if it's brought to their attention. If it's merely somebody putting out an opinion that other people don't like, it's freedom of speech. At least ways, that's how it should be. 

The advocates of censorship have no understanding that censorship can be turned against them eventually. Since they appear to be echoing the opinions that are approved by the social media platforms, they feel safe. They feel as if their team is able to do whatever they want, and their speech is important. The other side has it wrong, you see. Therefore they must be shut down and ridiculed. The other side shouldn't be allowed to say a word while the left says whatever they want against them.

We have to beware of what we advocate and understand that for every action there is an opposite reaction. In politics, there are times when we see certain powers and abilities given to the politicians. The ones in power think it's great because it allows them to do whatever they want without as many checks and balances. The ones not in power lament the fact that they are left at a disadvantage. 

However, the politicians in control change. Eventually, the other side gets the control and gets to use these new powers against the other side. In other words, people advocating for censorship against opinions they don't like may be the victims of that censorship one day. 

Consider the story that was presented in the movie V For Vendetta. In this case, it was conservative religious types who had the power, and they used it to shut people down. One of the groups that was persecuted was the LGBT community. They were hunted down and locked away. I know people on the conservative side may have bristled at the way their ideology was being depicted in the movie, but it's not like things like this haven't happened when conservatives were in power in the past. They already talk about the LGBT community engaging in sinful activities according to their religious doctrines.

Right now, it seems safe to be a member of the LGBT community. Whether you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or what have you, there are efforts to not only acknowledge you but also celebrate you. Therefore, there are many people in the LGBT community who advocate for censorship on the grounds that they believe questioning them is hate speech. Right now, powers that appear to be on the left are controlling this narrative, but what happens if that power changes hands? How safe do you suppose the LGBT community will be if certain conservative, religious elements gain control?