Sunday, December 4, 2022

No Chance Of A Back To The Future Sequel Or Reboot?

It was in December of 2018 when Robert Zemeckis came out against the possibility of a reboot or sequel to the popular Back To The Future trilogy. The reason for his statement this time was a fan poll. In it, they voted that the franchise they would like to see brought back is Back To The Future.

It's no surprise that he or Bob Gale would come out against a return to the franchise. Both have been saying for years now that there is nothing in the works, despite many fans hoping to see a return. Aside from the fact that they have said that the story has already been told, there are other problems.

For one thing, one of the biggest stars of the movies, Michael J Fox, is simply not healthy enough to come back to star in a movie or series of movies. Some have suggested that he wouldn't have to take a major role to hand things off to a Marty McFly Jr character, but Fox has basically said he's not interested. However, he added that he wouldn't stand in the way of the franchise being brought back.

Fans who have seen other reboots, such as Total Recall, Footloose and Ghostbusters 2016, will cite the failures of many reboots as a reason to leave Back To The Future alone. Others will say that it's inevitable that this is going to happen. It seems that a clause in the contract with the studio states that Gale and Zemeckis have the final say on bringing the franchise back, and it won't happen as long as they are alive. Basically, when either pass on, it's likely that the studio could return to the franchise again.

I've been one who has asked a legitimate question. Is Hollywood out of ideas? With all of the reboots and endless cycle of copying successful movies, it seems like there's not much originality anymore. If somebody happens to come up with a successful idea, other studios fall all over themselves trying to copy the idea. You would think with all of the technology and money at their disposal, they could do better.
Time travel is one of the more popular concepts. One of the reasons for that is many people wonder what would happen if they went back and redid something in their lives. Perhaps they'd like to go back to a happier time for themselves or witness a moment in history. Another time travel franchise, Bill And Ted, returned for a third movie. 

Personally, I'm one of the people who would be in favor of a return to Back To The Future. I believe if you worked around Michael J Fox's schedule, you could put him in a position to hand things off to a younger McFly character. Christopher Lloyd could do a similar role where he hands it off to the sons of Doc Brown, Jules and Verne. Then, you go from there. 
If this happened, I believe it could work. I am definitely not in favor of a reboot that casts new actors in these iconic roles. It just doesn't work for the fans who made these franchises famous with their support of the originals. They end up failing. 

In absence of that, there's no saying you couldn't return to a fun, light-hearted nostalgia trip through time. Hot Tub Time Machine hit on some good notes in the first movie, though some will say it was a little bit crude and crass at times. I enjoyed those two movies, but in Back To The Future, you're striving for something more wholesome. 
If you were to make something in the vein of Back To The Future, you'd want the wholesomeness and nostalgia. One of the problems with reboots is the tendency to try to make them hip with a new edge. It would certainly hurt Back To The Future.

If you were to follow the original intent of the first movie, going back 30 years, that means the character takes a trip to the 1990s. There's lots of things to do in the 1990s. You would be going back to the early 1990s. Obviously, you'd have to come up with a time travel vehicle that has some appeal to it. You couldn't simply use the DeLorean. Do you use a car?

The point is, all you have to really do is have a binge-watching session of Back To The Future and other movies and take notes of the style. You're not trying to make Back To The Future. You're simply trying to grab elements that made it popular and put them into a new franchise. If somebody were willing to sit down and write it, they could come up with something catchy.

As much of a fan of Back To The Future as I am, I think it's noble that the writers don't want to go back and taint what was already created. I'm not one of those people who believes that anything new ruins the old. People had a fit when the second trilogy came out for Star Wars, but it still didn't taint what was in the first trilogy. Those movies stand on their own merits, just as Back To The Future does. However, there's also something to be said for not going back for any amount of money.

Hollywood really doesn't care about quality. I'm not saying there aren't some people who create, who aren't insistent upon quality. What I am saying is Hollywood is ruled by the almighty dollar. If they can get money out of it, they do. Some would say that the purchase of Lucas Films by Disney was all about the money. I have further seen it said that they don't even care about quality. Just give us good special effects and flash and the people will pay for it anyway.

The other problem is the attempt to get woke, as some people would say. They recast characters, making it about gender or sexual orientation or race, not story. What ends up happening is fans rebel against the idea on the grounds that this wasn't what they liked about that franchise. 
Fans of the changes start calling them racist or misogynistic simply because they reject the new, but that's not what's happening. People are just insistent upon a franchise remaining true to what made it special to them in the first place.

In the end, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale simply want to stay true to what made Back To The Future special. They don't want to risk that in the quest for money. I think if they have a story that they feel really good about telling, it might be different. However, I don't think they are interested in writing it. 
Perhaps we don't need to go back to this franchise. Leave it where it is. Even if eventually Hollywood is going to grab this franchise and go with it, it's not going to happen now. What might have happened might have ended up being good, but based on the track record of other franchise reboots lately, it may have been dreadful too.