This Blue Pill, Red Pill Scenario Is Not So Simple
On another social media site, somebody posted a picture with a scenario. They presented the possibility that you have a choice between a blue pill and a red pill. The blue pill brings back somebody you love who has died and the red pill makes you a billionaire. Which pill do you choose?
This is a difficult decision for me. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my dad and my sister. I would love to have my dad back. I want them both back, but there's a problem. I believe they are in a better place that I can't even imagine. They are happier there. I believe I would be selfish to steal them from that place just because I miss them.
Now, if I knew they wanted to come back here again, I'd do it for them. I would not need to be asked twice. I want them back, but I wouldn't dream of taking them from where they are. The way the world is, I know I wouldn't want to come back. I know that may seem like a negative attitude, but I'm being honest. I dislike the notion of reincarnation.
I'd take the red pill not because I'm greedy. I don't think it's fair to disturb loved ones who have earned their passage to the next life. I don't need a lot of money. I get by on surprisingly very little, and I wouldn't suddenly get crazy with money. I would see to it that my modest lifestyle could be paid for over the next several years with maybe an occasional treat. In a lifetime, I doubt it would exceed a million dollars.
With the rest, I'm going to legitimately help out the needy, starting with the homeless and children in need. Various causes that I think are worthy would be supported. I would love to be able to help people in that way. That's what the red pill would mean to me. Unless I got a clear sign that dad or my sister wanted to come back, that's what I would do.