Reincarnation: A Conspiratorial What If Scenario
I was listening to a talk show the other day. The host talked about how the entertainment industry starts putting propaganda in the movies that corresponds with the next war they have planned. I've actually noticed that through the years. Anyway, it led my thoughts in a weird direction. Not that there's anything to it, but it made me think. I bet I could write a good movie plot based on this idea
The ultra elite run and guide the direction of the world. Money is just a means to an end. They have it, but they know the real secret that matters. This is the answer to why they plot ideas decades in advance, and yet those original people running things back then are dead when the results start coming in.
What if the elite knew for certain, not a guess or faith, but for certain that when we die we are not dead? Our soul continues. We can move on from this place or come back. The idea of hell as we've been taught is not real. However, Earth has become a prison to them. They can't move on, even though they have a sort of immortality, because God won't allow it. They can come back, and they come back knowing the secret.
A lady named Sherry Lee proposed a theory before Prince Williams' first child was born the queen would die so that she could be that baby. It sounded outlandish at the time, and it never happened. But, what if you are either born again in your family, another elite family or you will be taken in by one of those families at some point after you are reborn?
These people know they will continue, but they need to control us too. They have all but wiped out our empathic connection to the universe, and we are clueless. When we die, some of us make that snap decision to break free, but others come back with no clue. Only the elite know the answer, and it has helped give them control of the planet. Their plan gets closer to completion with every generation.
If we don't break out of this cycle, we are doomed. We were meant to launch off of this planet together, but the elite want to do it without us. They don't even need us anymore, or so they think. They believe they can break free of the cycle through technology and become immortal, thereby avoiding God completely.
This is where God finally does get upset and hits the reset button on all of us. Of course, some humans survive in a much different society to start over again, but among them are some of these souls who know. They have nothing to lose, so they start over again.
It was a weird thought, but it would explain how some families have owned so much for generations and never seem to lose. This would make a great movie idea as one of the so called "useless eaters" figures out the secret. She doesn't want them to get away with it, because she knows we are all doomed if they aren't stopped. But what can she do? I think it's an interesting concept fore a movie.