Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Corey Feldman Has A Dominick Brascia And Marty Weiss Problem

I hesitate to say this because I am frankly very tired of the way Corey Haim's name has been dragged through the mud. However, I think I can write this without having to dive too deeply into other details. Corey Feldman named six names in his documentary, three of which he alleges molested Corey Haim. It's important to point out that the Haim family only acknowledges Dominick Brascia as having done anything to Corey Haim.

Corey Feldman has claimed on multiple occasions that he introduced Marty Weiss and Dominick Brascia to Corey Haim and both molested him. Another way to put it is that Haim would not have known these two people had it not been for Feldman. You can read Feldman's book, and the attempt to paint a picture of himself being a kid and not knowing any better. If left at that, one could be sympathetic for Feldman and Haim. You might be disgusted to hear about the things that happened to Haim, but Feldman himself wasn't an adult yet. He didn't know better.

Unfortunately, the story doesn't end there. Let's take a look at Marty Weiss. For all intents and purposes, he was the appointed adult in the room for Feldman at a time when his antics on the set of The Lost Boys nearly got him fired. Weiss was the compromise. He had to be there to be the adult supervision for Feldman, and Weiss was also present with Feldman back in the days of The Goonies. If you listen to Marty, he paints a picture of himself having seen things and knowing a bit about Feldman that Feldman would prefer not get out in public.

I will admit that having Weiss involved in the discussion of Feldman's documentary is a bit problematic. He has been convicted in another case involving Evan Henzi, and many people would suggest that Weiss got off very lightly in his sentencing. It's also worth noting that Feldman's people made comments on Weiss's case as it was breaking in the news. They were already working on their narrative as Feldman was writing his autobiography, Coreyography. Because Weiss was convicted in this other case, Feldman felt confident enough in naming Weiss without a pseudonym in his book.

Here's where people who might be a bit suspicious will want to ask a few questions. People who believe the stories about Michael Jackson, and I'm not necessarily counting myself among them, will notice that Weiss has suggested that he witnessed Feldman and Jackson in inappropriate situations. Weiss himself hasn't elaborated on this, though it may be written in his upcoming book, Thanks For The Infamy.

Why should anybody take what Weiss says seriously? His comments during the time he was arrested in the case of Henzi are rather disturbing. You can find all of that easily enough when you do your research. Suffice it to say, Weiss didn't feel he did anything inappropriate at the time. He's claiming to be on a path to redemption these days and has even been working on making amends with Henzi. That's a subject for a whole other discussion, but there are people who believe Weiss has done these things with other kids. His ties with child stars go back to Feldman himself. If Weiss alleges that he witnessed anything inappropriate between an underage Feldman and adults, should his testimony be taken into consideration? Is the fact that he's been convicted in another case grounds to say that nothing he says is true now?

The story continues as Feldman becomes an adult and is able to process what has happened. One could read his autobiography and make excuses for a kid who didn't know any better at the time. However, you can also fast forward to 2004 and the Young Artists Awards. Feldman received a Lifetime Achievement Award, which he gladly accepted. There is video footage of him accepting this award and thanking several people, including Weiss. Weiss is also seen in a picture with Feldman and his then-wife Susie.

It's also worth noting that in 2004, Corey Feldman was in his 30s and was pictured being chummy with a person he claims molested his supposed best friend. Furthermore, Feldman was a producer for the Lifetime movie A Tale Of Two Coreys. In the movie, it's depicted that the Weiss character and Haim are going to do something inappropriate that won't be shown on camera. The character playing Weiss was Feldman's longtime friend Keith Coogan. 

As An Open Secret revealed on their Twitter page, Coogan was seen pictured with Weiss on multiple occasions. On at least one of those occasions, Coogan knew fully well what allegedly happened between Weiss and Haim. His excuse was that basically Weiss photobombed him, which interestingly enough is the excuse Feldman uses for their picture in 2004. What do you believe?

In the documentary, Feldman doesn't really get into the details on Weiss as much as he does Dominick Brascia. He paints a picture of Haim almost being gay and wanting to be with Dominick Brascia. He paints a picture of an on-again-off-again romance between the two. He also says that when Haim ultimately confronted him in the mid-1990s and said he was hurt by the fact that Feldman was friends and roommates with Brascia, he broke off the friendship with Brascia.

The problem with this narrative is it's not true. Dominick Brascia was cast as one of the stars of the 1997 movie Busted. The movie would have filmed a year earlier for direct to video release. Depending on who you believe, Haim was fired from the movie because of drug problems or quit because he had a bad reaction to seeing Brascia on the set. In either case and despite the fact that Haim barely had any time on screen at all, Feldman none-the-less billed this movie as a Two Corey's vehicle despite the fact that it truly wasn't. Capitalizing on his friend's name to make money? You be the judge.

In the late 1990s, Dominick Brascia was interviewed as part of The E True Hollywood Story documentary about Corey Feldman. He was still listed as a friend of Feldman at that time. You can go further to 2007 and The Two Coreys reality TV series. Haim confronted Feldman about what had happened to him at the hands of one of Feldman's friends. In that scene, he alluded to the fact that Feldman still hung out with the guy. At this time, Feldman would be approaching 40 years old and be very well aware of the fact that what had happened was wrong.

What's more concerning is that Feldman has given different answers on the subject of Dominick Brascia and Marty Weiss at different times, and his explanations in the recent documentary differ slightly from what he said in his own autobiography. What exactly is the truth? I have gone on record as saying I don't necessarily believe anybody in this story is telling the whole truth, but Feldman is the ring leader in this thing. At this point, one could ask whether he's doing more harm than good to the cause of revealing what sick individuals are doing to children in Hollywood.

Making the matter worse is the fact that Feldman has been dangling the carrot in front of everybody of a big "Hollywood Mogul" that he would reveal. This started in his interview on ABC TV back in 2011, when Feldman said he couldn't name the person. There are some people who believe that Feldman still hasn't named the person he was truly hinting at, and a recent exchange Feldman had with an individual on Twitter suggests that he's worried that he could get in legal trouble if he ultimately named that particular name. 

Dominick Brascia could be seen as somebody going rogue or somebody working in cahoots with Feldman. In 2015, he told a story to the National Enquirer. The problem with Brascia is that at different times his story about the big name who supposedly molested Haim has changed. At one time, he was hinting that the person would be in their 70s today. By the time he sold the story to the National Enquirer, he revealed the name of Charlie Sheen. Conveniently, Feldman hid behind the excuse that he promised Judy Haim he wouldn't talk about her son any more and therefore couldn't comment.

Why would I suggest that Feldman and Brascia could have been working in cahoots at that time? Feldman needed the story to be leaked into the public consciousness. At that time, Charlie Sheen was having a bit of a meltdown, to say the least. He was an easy target. Brascia could put all of this story out there for the public, and at the appropriate time, Feldman would tell his story. This is a story that some have said has served more to defame Haim than to bring out any truth. Interestingly enough, Feldman refused to publicly acknowledge Brascia. 

Despite the fact that Judy Haim herself revealed Dominick Brascia to be the one who molested her son in an interview with Dr Oz, Feldman refused to go public. You have to consider the fact that Judy went public and revealed a name that Feldman knew very well had done something inappropriate. If he truly cared about the Haim family at all, he would have come out and admitted that she was telling the truth or at least acknowledge that Brascia had done something, even if his version was different from Judy's version. At the time, Brascia was still alive. Therefore, it might have been problematic if Feldman had thrown his friend under the bus. What if Brascia went public with another story to the National Enquirer?

Feldman definitely has a Dominick Brascia and Marty Weiss problem. There's no way around it. Fortunately for him, Brascia is no longer alive and to our knowledge hasn't done a hidden interview or written a book that could reveal more. Weiss, however, is another matter. He's very much alive and writing a book. He also hints that he knows more about Feldman than Feldman is admitting. When you consider that, Feldman putting his team on the Marty Weiss/Corey Haim story back when Weiss was arrested makes perfect sense. There are a couple of ways of looking at this, maybe more.

Weiss maintains that nothing ever happened between he and Haim and Haim was a good kid. You can say that is what a pedo would say, and you may be right about that. I have my own beliefs that Weiss has done more things with other kids, though that's just my opinion on the matter. I am skeptical about the Haim story, though I don't completely dismiss it outright. But, let's consider the possibility that Weiss is telling the truth and Feldman has just made this up as a way to discredit him.

Why would Feldman do such a thing? If you're trying to reveal the true evil that's going on in Hollywood, telling a lie and making up a story that isn't true would only serve to do more damage to the movement itself. Real things have been happening to kids in Hollywood for years, and we certainly don't need lies mixed in there at a time when we're trying to shine the light of truth on things and bring about change. What would make Feldman lie about Weiss?

This could be true whether he's lying about Weiss or not. The reason he would work to discredit Weiss is so that any stories that Marty might tell about Feldman and his behavior would not be believed. If Weiss witnessed Feldman with Michael Jackson or any Hollywood executive, Feldman would potentially have more questions to answer. Obviously, he wouldn't want that. To make a preemptive strike and avoid having to deal with those potential issues, it makes perfect sense to discredit Weiss as quickly as possible. However, Weiss doesn't seem to be going away quietly here. He appears to be a man on a mission.

Another angle to look at when considering the Marty Weiss story and Feldman's ultimate Hollywood goals is pretty obvious. At one time when this video surfaced with Feldman thinking Weiss, Feldman had a simple response. He basically alluded to the fact that it was a professional courtesy thing. I guess you could compare it to all of the people who thanked Harvey Weinstein at the Academy Awards through the years and heaped loads of praise upon him. They might have known what the truth was, but they wanted to work in Hollywood.

Never forget the fact that Feldman has stuck around in Hollywood and acted in various B Movies over the last 25 years or so not just because acting is the only thing he knows. He's also hoping to get that big break in an A-list movie. Though that might seem doubtful, Feldman still hopes for the opportunity that one of his old executive friends will throw him a bone. So, thanking Marty Weiss is basically Feldman respecting the Hollywood industry and not rocking the boat.

Therefore, the skeptical observer would have to ask another question if this is the case. If Feldman is hoping for that big break in a big movie role to show everybody what he can do, would he announce somebody he knows was a pedo but happened to be a big executive? I'm not going to speculate on the names. There's too much of that going on as it is. You can use your own imagination. Think about one of those names. If you knew something about them and you could prove it, would you name that name if it meant permanently closing the door to a big opportunity? I think we all know the answer to that.

I don't know how else you can look at this situation. Corey Feldman has said many things on the subject of these two individuals, but the story has changed from here to there. He hasn't truly answered certain questions adequately in the minds of many people, and that makes this all pretty simple when you think about it. Corey Feldman has a Marty Weiss and Dominick Brascia problem, and it makes believing his story problematic to a critical thinker. I'm not going to deny that bad things have happened to Corey Feldman growing up in Hollywood, but I'm not sure we'll ever know the real truth.