Sometimes they have to throw a monkey wrench in our schedules and even our horoscopes. Who are they? Maybe the same people who decided that Pluto wasn't really a planet after all. It can really throw you off too.
Take Daylight Savings Time, for instance. Every spring, we lose an hour. Poof, it's gone. This year, I was in the bath when it happened. Yeah, I should have been in bed, but I was determined to have this bath after a busy day. Suddenly, I lost a whole hour. They'll give it back to me in the fall. Gee, thanks.
Then, we have Leap Year every four years. Suddenly, we have an extra day. They even decided to add it to the end of February, since it's the shortest month of the year. Who decided to make that month so short in the first place? What happens if you were born on the 29th of February? Technically, you only have a birthday every four years. That must be nice.
There was an intriguing concept I saw on the web which suggested a 13 month, 28 day calender with one day out of time to celebrate the end of each year. As I understand it, it works out perfect with the moon cycle. A full moon every month. They claim this will give us more balance in our lives. Really? How so?
I mean, the 13th sign didn't help anybody. That sign that effects those born at the end of November through mid December. It's called Ophiuchus. Furthermore, the experts pulled another stunt a few years ago. They claimed that as the years have gone by, the astrological signs have actually shifted.
Suddenly, Cancers were Leos, Leos were Virgos and people were pissed. The ones who take their signs very seriously were outraged. Their sign is who they are, and it helps them make sense of things in this crazy world.
I always found horoscopes to be silly generalizations, but there is something to it all. A view of my Natal Birth Chart kind of blew me away with what it told me about myself. I am definitely a Virgo.
You mess with somebody's sign, and they get defensive. Messing with my time bothers me more than my sign. Besides, I was one of the lucky ones. I'm such a Virgo that my sign would remain the same even after the shift they claim happened. I suspected as much.