Beware of that moment when you attempt to tell a mother how to handle her crying child. A 20 year old woman found that out the hard way in a San Francisco Bay Area Nordstrom outlet store. She said she had been shopping for a couple hours with no problems at all. Then, she got in line.
In line with her was a mother of a child who was throwing a tantrum. This has happened to most mothers at one time or another, and they have different ways of dealing with it. The younger woman decided to tell her to quiet her child, and the woman responded with, "Don't tell my child what to do."
It escalated with the young lady telling her to go to hell and the mother telling her she would see her there. The younger lady thought that was the end of it. Outside the store, the mother was waiting for her and beat her up, knocking a tooth loose. They are using surveillance cameras to identity the mother.
The younger woman said this isn't the first time she's tried to tell a mother how to discipline her child and won't be the last. This may be unpopular, but I don't blame the mother for smacking her around. I don't advocate that, but you have to understand the stress a mother goes through in situations like these. Children do have minds of their own, and you guide them as best you can.
The young woman has no clue and simply looks at it as an inconvenienced person standing by the situation. The only way she will truly know is when she becomes a mother. Everybody thinks they have the answer on how to be a parent in a situation like that. I wonder how she will handle this situation when her time comes?
For those wondering, the woman was identified by video surveillance footage and later arrested. You simply can't go around beating up people who offend you, even if you think they should be minding their own business.