Friday, February 1, 2019

The Real Music Observer Is Worth Checking Out

We at Generation What enjoy independent content created by regular people like you and us.  I have written about fun fantasy shows like Journey Quest and Standard Action.  Now, I want to talk about a guy who loves good melodic rock and roll music.  His name is Dave and he goes by the "moniker" The Real Music Observer. 

One of the reasons we created GenWhat is to encourage people to do their own research, think for themselves and come to their own conclusions.  It can be politics, but in Dave's case it's music.  You see, even music has a system in place to tell you what to like and not to like.  They make it easy and sometimes more of a chore to find new music that might interest you.  There's a good Progressive Rock band that is fronted by a Christian.  It's The Neal Morse Band, and Neal generally has uplifting messages.  Plus, the music is amazing.  You don't hear a lot about Neal.  The industry is pretty well controlled and will promote only certain artists.

Dave was a radio DJ, so he saw how the industry changed.  I believe it was around the time Nirvana came along when all of the melodic rock acts were dropped from the air waves.  I agree with Dave that something went very wrong with the industry.  I have my own theories as to why, but this is about Dave.  He picked up a camera phone and began blogging for 5-10 minutes an episode.  He even came up with his own catch phrase and gimmick to set himself apart from the others.

Don't let gimmick fool you.  He brings something to the table.  Dave talks about classic rock acts that are still with us.  Bands like Styx and solo Dennis DeYoung, Fleetwood Mac, Journey and solo Steve Perry, Foreigner and so on.  He looks at what is happening with them these days or looks back at a moment in time with these bands to engage in a bit of "what if."  Maybe it's a certain song.  He gives you his take on things.  To me, it's all in good fun.

Others take it personally if he says anything less than glowing about their favorite band.  I don't agree 100% with all he says.  I'm in disagreement with what became one of his more controversial stances against the founders of The Little River Band.  However, that's the nature of opinions.  We disagree sometimes.  You know what?  That's okay.  At least it used to be okay before people started getting offended at the drop of a hat.

If a band has things going on, he might do regular videos on them.  It depends on what catches his interest.  To me, it seems like sometimes the needle gets stuck in the groove a bit, but I totally get it.  Controversy catches the interest of people, and Dave has built up his own little home in cyberspace.  It may pale in comparison to others, but when he puts out a video, it can reach into the thousands of viewers in a very short time.  Doesn't sound like much, does it?  I know some content creators get hundreds of thousands of viewers or more per video, but it's not easy to get where Dave is.  It takes lots of work and a love of what you do.

He loves good music with a good melody and all of the fun that we used to have in music with the 1970s and 1980s.  However, he doesn't just talk about the old bands.  He talks about newer bands that play in a style of the old bands.  They are keeping the music alive.  He knows what the new acts lack, and that's any recognition at all from the American music industry.  I think David is doing a good thing, and if this sounds appealing to you, check him out.

The Real Music Observer YouTube -

Patreon is where he asks for $1 a month to help keep him going -