Friday, August 25, 2017

No Use Getting Upset Over Politics Or Other People's Opinions

This was written a couple months ago, but makes a good point.

I've purposely tuned out to the political puppet show that plays out on TV every day.  It's been over a month since I looked seriously at the topic.  You can't avoid it, because there are people who will force it on you in social media land.  The blind Trump worshipers and the blind Trump haters repeat the corporate media approved talking points at each other.  What changes?  Nothing.  It's not going to change.  If it gets bad and all out war breaks out, what can we do about it?

Trump took us out of the climate treaty.  The sky is falling according to some.  No it isn't.  The climate always changes.  Some of it has to do with the seasons, and we do get colder winters and warmer summers some years.  It's normal.  Man caused it all?  Debatable.  This issue is not decided no matter how many talking heads get in there and try to convince us otherwise.  There's money to be made and more control to be put on the people via the "climate change" rhetoric.

Kathy Griffin pissed off the right with her photo of Trump.  Oh, the outrage over her poor choice of free speech.  Remember all those people who at times got racist about Obama?  You didn't see nearly the outrage.  Ted Nugent loved running his mouth and said ridiculous things.  Did he lose anything over that?  I believe in free speech.  Unless somebody is outright calling for the harm of another person, it's no big deal.  Ted went much further than she did.

Bildeberger meetings are happening.  The world yawns.  This is one of the meetings where the elite meet to decide how to heard us sheep for another year.  The meeting used to not exist "officially" even though it was happening.  Media outlets labeled you a conspiracy theorist if you talked about it.  Now, it's obvious to anybody who pays attention.  Personally, I think the elite have moved beyond this meeting and merely use it as a show at this point.  What does it matter?  It depends on your view on the people being controlled by the powers that be.

In the end, what does it matter?  We all have our own essence, our own soul.  It's not for sale unless we choose to sell it for the chance to get ahead.  Life on this planet is fleeting.  It comes and goes in the blinking of an eye.  Even if you live to be a 100, you'll wonder where the time went.  It will be over before you know it.  Does the stuff they want us to lose sleep over really matter?  Trump, Clinton, Bush, Obama?  Who gives a damn?  We have to live our own lives, make the most of it and not take life too seriously.  It's not like we're getting out of here alive anyway.