Monday, September 19, 2016

The Battle Of Good Vs. Evil

With each passing day, I'm really starting to believe that a great evil is ruling this world. It is a spirit led by greed and selfishness and destruction, and it is everywhere. You can feel it in the air if you pay attention.

What is this evil? Is it of Satan or Lucifer or any of the evil entities we've heard named in the past? Does The Bible warn of this? Should we take The Bible or anything religion says seriously? Where do you turn when you know this evil is wrong?

I mention religion and I know people will cringe. Who could blame them? We've heard of the things priests of the church have done with children. We've heard of the killing in the past for the church. We see the judgmental attitude of people who claim to be of God.

However, I don't really believe the church or any priest speaks for God. How presumptuous of man to think that he can speak for the Divine Creator of all? You don't find God in a church. You find God in the very world that was created for us to dwell upon. You find God in your heart if your heart is open to it.

I don't have all the answers. I just know we've been taught of the end times. I look at the greed of the world. So many have way more than they need while others suffer without. Nobody seems to really care about all the death and wars, murders and even abortions. People are numb to it.

People tune out to the reality through their TV's and computers, and some speak out. The problem is those people are labeled as racists or crazy. If you don't go along with what the mainstream tells you, you can be vilified, and you can even lose your job.

There's just so many crazy things that it's hard to keep up with it all. The narrative increasingly is that there are too many people, we are killing the earth and we are some sort of virus. This sort of talk is getting louder and louder, and it's not normal talk. If you pay attention, you'll see it.

Where does all of this come from? I think it comes from a dark place, and increasingly I realize that there is an evil force taking over. I'm not a religious person, though I am spiritual in a way. I just know that if I'm going to pick a side, I choose the light over the darkness. I don't know if I'm good enough, but I want to be on the side of goodness.