Michael Jackson once sang a song called they Don't Care About Us. Occasionally, you get glimpses of that fact when those in elite circles start talking. Jonathan Gruber is the most recent example of that, and we can cite some others here as well. All it takes is a quick internet search to find the comments.
Gruber is called one of the architects of Obama Care, which forces people to buy insurance. We were sold all kinds of lies to get this thing through, including the infamous "You can keep your doctor" lie. Before I go any further, I would just ad that I don't come at this from a one party is better than the other point of view. There are bigger things at play here than party politics.
Gruber has been quoted on different occasions taking an arrogant attitude on heath care, but his comments admitting about lying to get the bill passed are what is important here. He also commented on how stupid the average person is. If you are a cheerleader for the party who ram rodded this thing through, you may agree with his statement.
The real problem is obvious. If this bill was so fair and really for the good of the people, why hide the full truth of it? If it's so good, it can stand up to the scrutiny. Instead, we were lied to, and it is now admitted that the lie was the only way to get this thing passed. That doesn't sound like it's for the good of the people to me.
Let's not forget about previous president Bush and the dawn of his War On Terror. After 9/11, we were told we must invade Iraq because they had weapons of mass destruction. They never found any link between Iraq and 9/11, so they needed to make up a pretext for war. In the end, they found no WMD either.
At least people can take comfort that the president wasn't losing any sleep over the death toll and the destruction his war under false pretense created. At least the proper corporations made money. I recall his indifference. He made a an attempt at a humor at a Press Club banquet in which he joked about looking for those weapons. People died, but yeah, it's funny isn't it?
If you listen to some people, the population needs to die. Billionaire Ted Turner openly talked about this years ago when he said the population of the planet was too big and needed to be reduced. Why should anybody take Turner seriously? Don't think for a minute people with his kind of wealth can't effect the kind of change they want.
Another "humanitarian" billionaire named Bill Gates talks about similar things. He's heavily involved in the push for vaccines. I'm not gonna get into vaccines too much here, but you can see reports of the damage they cause in some cases. I'll just get into the discussion that links somewhat with Obama Care and the "death panels" people were talking about.
In a speech where he was talking about the money that goes into health care for the elderly, Gates discusses how ending treatment of the elderly could save money to hire more teachers. He added that this is called "the death panel, and we aren't supposed to have that discussion."
The idea of depopulating society is a major topic, and with the various diseases that are killing people all around the planet, maybe they are already working on their solution. In a speech to college students in Texas, Dr. Eric Pianka spoke of an air born virus that would kill billions and how good it would be for the planet. He later tried to recant that, while still harping on how there are too many people.
Of course, when you want to think about who will live and who will die if they have their way, it won't be most of us "useless eaters" who will live. They want to get rid of us, and they will use whatever means they can to make it happen. If we sit here and act like nothing is going on, it will be easier for that agenda to go through.
One thing they will use is environmentalism. They call it global warming, global cooling, climate change or whatever term they can use to say the climate is changing and it's all our fault. While I wouldn't suggest we shouldn't try to find alternative energy sources, the idea is to make us live on less of everything by saying we are either hurting the planet or we are running low on supplies. Finding energy sources that are cheaper and cleaners are worthy of pursing for their own sake.
But the global warming movement is making people like Al Gore rich, and some of their predictions have already been proven wrong. It doesn't stop them from continuing to push the agenda. One of the aims is to take more land and push people into smaller and smaller areas. Look up the term Agenda 21 for a better understanding of this.
In Nevada, rancher Cliven Bundy had an agreement, but the feds tried to strong arm him off of his property and take his cattle. They ran virtually every other rancher off of the land, but he is still fighting. They attempted to use heavy handed tactics, but the people rose up and fought for justice. The feds had to back off, at least for the time being.
This provoked an outrageous statement from Democratic Senator Harry Reid, who called the protesters domestic terrorists. Since when is standing up for rights covered in our country's founding documents terrorism? The founding fathers may have been considered terrorists to Britain, but these protesters hardly qualify as terrorists. They weren't attacking, causing harm or damaging property. They were standing up for Bundy's rights.
As these outrageous comments get made, like Reid's comments or Gruber's recent remarks, they are greeted with a yawn by the average American. This is one reason you can expect more over the top statements. The powers that be think people don't care, and they will be getting bolder and bolder in the days ahead. When you think you can get away with anything, you go for as much as you can get.
Americans ought to give a damn. It's not about being in a political party. We are free to believe as we will. It's about standing up for our rights and our freedoms and not putting up with being lied to. It's about not letting them push an agenda that could bring about our destruction. If we don't bother to stand up and say no when they go too far, there may come a time when we can't do anything at all.