People come and people go. Empires
have come and gone. Have you ever wondered how long we've been here?
Have you ever wondered where we really came from? I'm not talking about
the religious question. That's for another chapter. Since I was
young, I have had the belief that the human race has lived on Earth for
hundreds of thousands of years. I didn't come by this belief by reading
it in a book or seeing it in a movie, though I have seen movies and
read books since then that suggest the same thing.
This would
mean that civilizations have come and gone that at least the average
person knows nothing about. I say the "average" person, because I
believe there are individuals on this planet who know more than they are
telling. Every now and then, information gets out to us about ancient
cities now underwater. Atlantis is now popular in our mythology with
several movies that include the lost city. I believe it existed once
upon a time. Now, it's gone without a trace, but the name and legend
live on.
But what about other civilizations on planet Earth that
weren't as lucky? They came, they saw, they died and nobody remembered
them. Maybe that's a reason we as a people are so obsessed with
leaving behind some legacy to be remembered. We want to write a song,
design a building, create a painting, hit a baseball, just do something
that will be remembered for years to come. It's part of our own ego.
People desire to make a difference and be remembered. It's
understandable, but the reality is most of us will go through life, and
when we die, we may be missed at first, but life will go on and we will
be forgotten.
At least in the world we know, there are places to
go to read about the people who have made a difference. Not that many
people even care, wrapped up in their own little worlds, but there are
libraries filled with books on our history. There are newspaper
archives. There are video records. Anybody who cares to have a look at
our history can go to these places. But, what if a disaster of a huge
magnitude struck the Earth and wiped out most of mankind, sending the
rest into caves? Buildings and technology destroyed. Humanity starting
over again.
In a generation, it would be stories of the past
told to children. A generation later, nobody would be left who even
remembered those days, and those stories might be considered mythology.
Then, the attitude creeps in that these are just children's stories.
In the time we are in now, we must put food on the table and give
shelter to our families. Fairy tales can wait. Suddenly, the ways of
creating these technologies are forgotten again, and we are effectively
starting over. We literally have to reinvent the wheel. It's a scary
thought, but it's a reality I believe mankind has faced before. It's a
testament to the strength of man that we have made it this far.
It was the great songwriter Kerry Livgren of Kansas who wrote the song
Dust In The Wind. This is something I don't believe. What we do does
make a difference to others. Even the seemingly insignificant person
makes a difference to somebody. We do matter. If you have people in
your life, and that includes your animal friends that you see just about
every day, than you are probably making a difference. Maybe it's
because you give them advice or help them out, or maybe it's as simple
as them seeing you alive and doing your thing. Just seeing a familiar
face can make a difference in somebody's life in helping create a sense
of stability.
But what about that civilization that existed and
is gone now? We don't remember them, so what difference did they make?
Well, even if we don't have their knowledge, I would submit that the
fact that we made it to where we are now makes all the difference. If
everybody is destroyed, then our journey as a species in this world is
over. But, I believe we have a lot to accomplish in the meantime. We
probably have a lot to accomplish before we even catch up to the
advancement of previous civilizations that were either taken down by
nature or some other force.
There is a place called the Hall Of
Records said to exist under the desert in Egypt. In it are the Akashic
records that tell of the history of this planet clear back to 500,000
years ago. We've been here longer than that, but these records only go
back to that point due to something that happened at that time. I don't
know any of this to be true, but I can believe that there is a way of
connecting to this information through our subconscious, through
meditation or astral travel. I would point out that what I'm saying
here leads to what they call the "New Age" movement, and anybody seeking
to travel that path should beware and guard their pocket book.
The shame of it is we are cut off from whatever we achieved in the
past. I can imagine there were civilizations that we now have
surpassed, but there were some that far surpassed us. They mastered
antigravity technology. We had free energy. We could teleport from one
place to another in an instant. Life was very different for those
people. There were others who didn't live in the midst of all this
technology. They were in tribes. When the destruction came down upon
the Earth, the people with the technology left aboard their ships. They
had left technology behind, but it was ultimately destroyed. They
never came back to check on things or see if there were any survivors,
but the survivors picked up the pieces and started over.
are some interesting theories as to what may have been before. The
religious person might believe their particular Holy Book. Bob Frissell
wrote briefly of the history of the Earth as told by Drunvalo. This
involves channeling, which I know many people will dismiss on sight.
Still, it's an interesting read, and I'd recommend Nothing In This Book
Is True, But That's Exactly How Things Are, even if you don't believe it
depicts an accurate history. Of course, one of the more popular people
in this area is Zecheria Sitchin. Zecheria has done exhaustive
research and has chronicled it in several books.
The basic theme
from Zecheria suggests we were created as slaves by another race, and
the tale is interwoven with his research from Summerian History and
early history as recorded in The Bible. The thought that we all may be
decedents from slaves, who were actually created by another race to
serve them certainly won't appeal to a certain segment of society, but I
believe until we ever come across a definitive accounting of where we
came from that can be backed up with some facts, perhaps it shouldn't be
dismissed so quickly.
I believe it was Sitchin who also
suggested that we traveled from planet to planet in our solar system and
beyond as a routine occurrence once upon a time. We had bases on
Mars. This drifts into the territory of Richard C. Hoagland, who has
theorized that perhaps we are The Martians. He has suggested that once
upon a time, we lived on Mars and had a thriving society. When disaster
struck, our best and brightest provided a way for us to leave the dying
planet for Earth. This happened hundreds of thousands of years ago.
We don't remember it because civilization has since had more major
disasters on Earth, but remnants of Martian civilization, including the
Face On Mars, still remain to remind us.
It's amazing to hear
the new discoveries we are being told of thanks to the rovers and the
satellites orbiting Mars. I wish I could believe we were getting the
whole truth, but I believe we are being carefully fed the truths they
want us to know. As long as they possess the knowledge, they have the
power. One of their revelations, which Hoagland was one of the first to
predict, is that there were oceans on Mars. In fact, they are very
close to admitting there is, at the very least, microbial life on Mars
now. Perhaps the truth about Mars will be revealed to the average
person one day. One can hope anyway.
I can imagine an ancient
Mars with beautiful blue oceans, filled with life. Land with green
grass and tall trees, bearing fruit, some of which we on Earth have
never tasted. Animal life, some of which we never saw on Earth. The
people created beautiful music, wrote plays, created works of art, built
beautiful architecture. They were our ancestors, and they lived a rich
and peaceful life for generation upon generation. What ended life on
Mars is still a mystery to me. One theory that I've heard is another
planet collided with Mars, destroying the other planet. I don't know
what happened, but something did. There are many interesting books and
web pages out there if you look.
But, I don't want to rule out
the spiritual side of this and the fact that people could have
ascended. Again, this is another "New Age" theory, but one that needs
to be put out there for consideration. I know enough in my limited
experience to know Astral Travel or OBE's are real, and if somebody has
truly mastered that ability, who's to say how much more their spirit and
consciousness can accomplish. I am a believer in the theory that the
human race has only accomplished a small fraction of what they can, at
least in this version of civilization.
When we think of other
life out there in the universe, and I'm a believer that it does exist,
we probably think it is humanoid like we see on Star Trek, which is an
excellent show, in my opinion. However, I don't think we fully
comprehend the possibilities of what life can be and how other
civilizations might exist. There exists life in the universe that we
probably can't comprehend. Maybe it's because it is that much more
advanced than we are. I don't know.
I recall John Lear on Coast
To Coast with Art Bell. Now, John is an interesting man, and I believe
there's more to him than people realize. He put forth the notion on
one of his appearances that there is life on Venus, and that NASA is
covering it up with faked imagery and data. He says the people there
are just like us. What a huge story that would be if that were true.
This is not something I necessarily believe, but I found it interesting
when he said that.
Not long after that show with John, I heard
it reported elsewhere that there may be life in the clouds of the
gaseous planet. Can you imagine a gaseous life form with intelligence
floating in the clouds of Venus, perhaps even a civilization of these
beings? Could an exchange of ideas occur between our race and theirs
one day? What might we learn from each other. Of course, all of this
is mere speculation on my part, but when I heard there might be life in
the clouds of Venus, it got me to thinking.
It boggles the mind
when you consider all of this and the possibilities. I believe there is
a lot more to the story of our existence than we may realize. I also
believe there are people who know the truth and won't tell us. Why
would they do such a thing? There is a saying that knowledge is power,
and that is so true. If there are secrets in these past histories that
can, for instance, make the elite more powerful, why would they say
anything and sacrifice an advantage? Well, it's something to consider.
As always, though, don't take my word for it. There is plenty of
material out there on the topics covered here for you to research and
make your own conclusion.