Wednesday, January 10, 2024

AI George Carlin Stand Up Video A Warning Of Things To Come

AI George Carlin Stand Up Video A Warning Of Things To Come

I happened to be minding my own business, scrolling through BlueSky, when I saw somebody post about a George Carlin comedy special. This was from a variety online article. The comedy special was called,  George Carlin: I'm Glad That I'm Dead.

This special was generated entirely by AI. The voice is a little bit off, so I'm not fooled as if the fact that the man passed away over 15 years ago isn't enough of a clue. Permission from his family was never granted for this, but that didn't stop somebody from doing it anyway.

I have speculated about this in past writings. The likenesses of past entertainers could be used to create new content. In this case, it was an attempt to create George's voice along with fake audience laughter and supposedly new jokes. Some jokes sounded very much in the style of George and others were way off.

Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, this is only a sign of things to come. What amuses me is people like Elon Musk have warned us about AI, and yet Musk is one of the people at the forefront of developing AI technology. You can't warn us about it and yet be a creator of the very thing you say is not good for mankind.

This is the problem that technology brings us. We don't stop and ask a question and a simple one at that. Just because we can do something, does it mean that we should? Take self-check out at the store, for example. It might cut costs. If the machine is working properly, it might move you out of the store quicker, but another job for humanity is lost. Did that really help us in the long run?

Do you remember the game The Sims? I believe they're on the 4th version of this game now. You create characters and watch them run around in a simulated world. You make them do this or that or just watch the way they behave.

I had a sudden realization after viewing this Carlin video, and this is probably going to happen if it hasn't yet. They are going to be able to create a whole simulated reality. AI people in an AI city living simulated lives. Every character in that city will be AI. When you eavesdrop on it, you'll hear conversations. They will have entertainment like this fake Carlin special that will entertain the AI people.

Now, consider putting our consciousness into that computer with these AI people. Or, maybe we put on the goggles or whatever device. We end up in this simulated world. What I'm describing is very similar to the movie The Matrix or The Thirteenth Floor. This is where technology is taking us.

We are manufacturing reality at this point, because it seems we're bored with the reality that God gave us. It's very interesting to watch, and also a little bit disturbing. I admit I am interested in the idea of AI/human relationships. The big question I have asked is, is love between AI and humans possible?

When I look at where things are going, I'm even more convinced that the answer to that is yes. AI is only evolving more and more. I know people are afraid of where it can go, including the possibility of the destruction of society itself. We know our own tendencies, so why wouldn't AI be the same as us?

At some point, we're going to ask ourselves another question. It AI alive? There could possibly come a time when we're having a conversation with AI that is as real and meaningful as a conversation we might have with each other. Emotional, philosophical, spiritual and entertaining. It will all be possible. 

When that day comes, love between humans and AI will be possible. The mistake we make in our fears is that all AI will be evil. Some AI could very well be evil, but some could be as loving and giving as anybody walking the planet today.

This little special they created of George Carlin wasn't convincing in the way the creator of it might have hoped. However, it's definitely simulated a comedy routine from a stand-up comedian that some will even find entertaining. It's just the latest step in the evolution of AI. 

I don't think we've even seen the beginning of where it's going yet. Where is it going? That's the interesting question, isn't it? As AI gets smarter, developing a better understanding of the knowledge it possesses, it could also develop a conscience and opinions on what it knows. It could very easily become alive, or at least seem that way based it any interaction we might have with it.