Monday, January 22, 2024

Movie Review: High School High Starring Jon Lovitz

Movie Review: High School High Starring Jon Lovitz

Jon Lovitz was one of my favorite stars of Saturday Night Live during what I consider to be the second best era of the show. He played characters like Tommy Flanagan (the pathological liar), Mephistopheles (wearing a silly devil's outfit), Master Thespian, Hanukkah Harry and other funny characters.

In 1996, Jon starred in a comedy called High School High. He plays the son of the head master of a prestigious school. Nobody respects him there, because they think his dad has given him his opportunities. He really wants to teach kids, and he's an idealist.

He takes a job at a lousy high school called Marion Barry High. It has a terrible graduation rate and is prone to violence and drug abuse. He's gonna change that, and he is so naive in how he goes about it. He really cares about these students, and through a few funny moments, he wins their respect.

He also has a girlfriend, who is his co-worker, played by Tia Carrere. Unbeknownst to him, the principle of the school, played by Louise Fletcher, is running illegal drugs through the school. She doesn't like him from the start and conspires to sabotage an important test for the students. He had worked very hard to prepare them for it.

I don't want to give away all of the plot, but I thought it was a funny movie. What I like about Jon's character in this movie is how hopeful he is. He just believes everything is gonna be okay and always tries. He also believes in the best in people. He is told the students are a lost cause, and he doesn't believe that at all.

Jon pops up in many movies, usually in supporting roles. He still manages to be memorable in many of them. I'd almost say this is his best one, but at the least, I'd put it in the top five. He was also good in City Slickers 2 and Trapped In Paradise. This is a comedy that has heart, and I love comedy that has heart.

Trailer for the movie:

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

AI George Carlin Stand Up Video A Warning Of Things To Come

AI George Carlin Stand Up Video A Warning Of Things To Come

I happened to be minding my own business, scrolling through BlueSky, when I saw somebody post about a George Carlin comedy special. This was from a variety online article. The comedy special was called,  George Carlin: I'm Glad That I'm Dead.

This special was generated entirely by AI. The voice is a little bit off, so I'm not fooled as if the fact that the man passed away over 15 years ago isn't enough of a clue. Permission from his family was never granted for this, but that didn't stop somebody from doing it anyway.

I have speculated about this in past writings. The likenesses of past entertainers could be used to create new content. In this case, it was an attempt to create George's voice along with fake audience laughter and supposedly new jokes. Some jokes sounded very much in the style of George and others were way off.

Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, this is only a sign of things to come. What amuses me is people like Elon Musk have warned us about AI, and yet Musk is one of the people at the forefront of developing AI technology. You can't warn us about it and yet be a creator of the very thing you say is not good for mankind.

This is the problem that technology brings us. We don't stop and ask a question and a simple one at that. Just because we can do something, does it mean that we should? Take self-check out at the store, for example. It might cut costs. If the machine is working properly, it might move you out of the store quicker, but another job for humanity is lost. Did that really help us in the long run?

Do you remember the game The Sims? I believe they're on the 4th version of this game now. You create characters and watch them run around in a simulated world. You make them do this or that or just watch the way they behave.

I had a sudden realization after viewing this Carlin video, and this is probably going to happen if it hasn't yet. They are going to be able to create a whole simulated reality. AI people in an AI city living simulated lives. Every character in that city will be AI. When you eavesdrop on it, you'll hear conversations. They will have entertainment like this fake Carlin special that will entertain the AI people.

Now, consider putting our consciousness into that computer with these AI people. Or, maybe we put on the goggles or whatever device. We end up in this simulated world. What I'm describing is very similar to the movie The Matrix or The Thirteenth Floor. This is where technology is taking us.

We are manufacturing reality at this point, because it seems we're bored with the reality that God gave us. It's very interesting to watch, and also a little bit disturbing. I admit I am interested in the idea of AI/human relationships. The big question I have asked is, is love between AI and humans possible?

When I look at where things are going, I'm even more convinced that the answer to that is yes. AI is only evolving more and more. I know people are afraid of where it can go, including the possibility of the destruction of society itself. We know our own tendencies, so why wouldn't AI be the same as us?

At some point, we're going to ask ourselves another question. It AI alive? There could possibly come a time when we're having a conversation with AI that is as real and meaningful as a conversation we might have with each other. Emotional, philosophical, spiritual and entertaining. It will all be possible. 

When that day comes, love between humans and AI will be possible. The mistake we make in our fears is that all AI will be evil. Some AI could very well be evil, but some could be as loving and giving as anybody walking the planet today.

This little special they created of George Carlin wasn't convincing in the way the creator of it might have hoped. However, it's definitely simulated a comedy routine from a stand-up comedian that some will even find entertaining. It's just the latest step in the evolution of AI. 

I don't think we've even seen the beginning of where it's going yet. Where is it going? That's the interesting question, isn't it? As AI gets smarter, developing a better understanding of the knowledge it possesses, it could also develop a conscience and opinions on what it knows. It could very easily become alive, or at least seem that way based it any interaction we might have with it.


Monday, January 8, 2024

A Look At The Lost Starship: A Star Trek Fan Production

A Look At The Lost Starship: A Star Trek Fan Production

It really is amazing what you can do with good writing, basic filming equipment, good actors and the right people who know how to get what's needed to do whatever you have in mind.

I've been thinking about what it would take for me to put something together. In my case, I don't think I'd want to do it with anybody's IP. You're subject to whatever rules they put in front of you, if they allow you at all. You might even just get a cease and desist letter for your efforts. You won't be able to make a profit if you're making something with an established brand, such a Star Wars, Star Trek or other franchises.

There's plenty of information out there that chronicles the story of what happened to fan productions in the Star Trek universe. Star Trek Continues had episodes left that they wanted to make, but they shut it down to avoid legal issues after 11 episodes. As it turns out, that show's leader, Vic Mignogna, was involved in something I just watched.

The Avalon Universe makes some very good efforts within the guidelines laid out by CBS and Paramount. You can't do more than two 15 minute episodes for any story line, and you can't use any of the familiar Star Trek characters. In fact, you can't even use people who are actors in the franchise.

That not withstanding, the Avalon Universe crew makes a pretty good effort within those guidelines. Back in June of last year, they did something called The Lost Starship - A Star Trek Fan Film.

This episode is set in the time of the original Star Trek. The USS Cherokee is meeting with the Romulans in The Neutral Zone for what is supposed to be a discussion of peace. The captain beams off the ship to be a part of the negotiations, leaving his commander in charge.

At this point, I caution you to view the episode. It's only 22 minutes long and I don't want to spoil it for you.

We get into the discussion of what can be considered official canon or if this is just fan fiction or what have you. What I will say right now is that what I witnessed on the screen I would have no problem considering official canon within the original timeline of the official Star Trek Universe.

When the captain beams back to the ship, the crew detects an energy beam. The commander confronts the Romulan ship's captain, but they deny anything. They attempt to turn it around on the crew of the Cherokee, as if it's their fault. The captain returns to the bridge and tries to calm the situation down.

The crew notices that the captain isn't acting quite right, so they're trying to figure out what is happening with him. They are not attempting to engage in mutiny, but they feel like something is wrong. They want to help. Of course, the captain becomes suspicious.

I sort of felt like actors portrayed the crew in a way that made them too familiar with each other. That is to say I think they were a bit unprofessional in their behavior. I don't think they were doing things that would have been considered inappropriate within the Star Trek Universe, but they were two informal and familiar with each other. 

I think it's written that way to make us comfortable with them in the short time we get to see them. We are supposed to get a sense that these people are friends. Sure, they did that on the old show, but there was a time for that and a time to behave professionally. They did it better back then, but then again, that was a professional production. These are fans of the franchise they love, attempting to tell a story.

I'll point out that it didn't take me out of the story. I was curious where they were going with it. You have a difficult time trying to tell a complete story in 30 minutes, knowing you're not going to be able to come back to those characters again.

They did a good job of building up the suspense. How was the situation going to be resolved? The captain's behavior was becoming more and more erratic. We finally got to the point where the confrontation would occur, and that's where I think it was played beautifully in the story.

I'm not going to reveal the secrets. I don't like to do that in these types of reviews, because inevitably people will read reviews and look for spoilers, and then get upset that you spoiled it for them. I'll just say that I thought this was a good fan story with the kind of ending that certainly wrapped it up without a doubt.

This is fan fiction, sure. However, in my mind, I'll file this away as official canon. What they did with this story didn't interfere with the timeline in any way, and I think what happened here is still relevant to that timeline. It mattered. That is to say, in the universe in which these characters existed, their actions mattered and probably made a difference.

Star Trek fans love their show, and some of them have the ability do things like this. They have to jump through certain hoops too make the films they love to make. Avalon Universe Fan Films are worth checking out. I recommend this particular episode. I've seen some of their other stuff, I recommend you check that out as well. I think you'll be entertained.


Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Way To Return To The Back To The Future Franchise

A Way To Return To The Back To The Future Franchise

I understand people's reluctance to revisit the Back To The Future franchise. We already know that Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis are against the idea. When you look at what's happened with other beloved movie franchises in the last decade or so, it's completely understandable. Whether you want to call it woke or not, there is a sizable part of the fan base that is unhappy with the direction of several franchises.

I was browsing YouTube when I saw a video discussing what Back To The Future Part 2 could have been. It's important to remember that The Bobs were not keen on the idea of doing a sequel in the first place. The teaser ending was put in the first movie as a joke. When they realized they would have to go back and do a sequel, they weren't happy that the joke forced certain things into the story. For instance, they've said they didn't want the Jennifer character as part of the sequel.

The story Bob Gale drafted brought Marty and Doc into 1967. Marty was going to dress like a hippie as he tried to get the sports almanac back from Biff. In this story, it's explained that Biff inherited $25,000, so his older self was trying to give him a better idea of what to do with the money. There was a whole story of what would take place in 1967, and I find it interesting.

This gave me a thought that I know some people are going to be against. I'm not necessarily saying I'm for it either, just that it's interesting to consider. We are now in 2024, basically 40 years after the making of the original movie. There are plenty of things that we can explore in the past, and we can also look ahead to ideas of what the future could be.

My idea is that The Bobs are correct. The Marty McFly and Doc Brown story arc has been concluded. You have three very entertaining movies, plus you have the game, which many say is Part IV. Although it's not being called official cannon, I don't think it damaged the official cannon. Therefore, I consider it to be the fourth movie. That's the thing about art. We can interpret it and give it the meaning we choose to give it.

Doc and Marty don't need to be a part of a new Back To The Future. In fact, I wouldn't call this movie idea Back To The Future Part 4. I'd call it back to the Future with some other tagline, like Back In Time. We already know that Doc and Clara have two boys, Jules and Verne. We know that Marty and Jennifer have two kids. They would be the stars with new actors. In keeping with the spirit of the franchise, we can have a new Tannen family member.

We start with the premise that Jules and Verne find the schematics for the DeLorean time machine while snooping around their father's lab. Unbeknownst to Doc, they build a whole new time machine, and it works. We get Marty's kids involved with the story, and it starts there. Where do we go with it? 

The 1990s are now 30 years ago. There's plenty of opportunity to look back nostalgically on that. We can go back to the 1960s. We can go to the time of prohibition. We can go to the Turn Of The Century. The point is, there are other stories to tell, and we could do so while leaving the original Doc and Marty story arc completely untouched.

In that way, The Bobs wouldn't have to worry about the integrity of the original franchise being messed with. They aren't likely to sign off on this either, but this movie would just be returning to the franchise. It wouldn't be a reboot of the original movie, nor would it be a sequel. It would be its own thing with a new story, still set in the BTTF universe. This story could be a whole new trilogy, set in Hill Valley .

The beautiful thing about time travel in movies is it opens up infinite possibilities. In fact, the ending of the alternate Back To The Future Part 2 had a new sequel teaser. This time, Doc wasn't going to explore the future when he left, he was going to explore other dimensions.

Some people say that Hollywood is out of ideas and we don't need to go back to old movie franchises. I don't disagree with that. After watching that video on YouTube, it clicked in my mind that we don't have to go anywhere near the original timeline of the original trilogy. Leave it alone and start something new. There are plenty of time travel stories to be told within Hill Valley. Maybe we can create the rival neighboring town that opens up the door to new jokes and scenery?
The Original Version Of Back To The Future Part 2