Why So Much Dolly Parton Hate
Everybody is talking about Dolly Parton lately. She did some songs off of her new album Rock Star during halftime of the Dallas Cowboys game on Thanksgiving. Adding to the discussion is the fact that she did it wearing a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader outfit. It was probably something she knew would get people talking, one way or the other. It was definitely a good way to promote her new album.
I was listening to The Real Music Observer. David and I have similar tastes when it comes to classic rock, and I think he was looking at trends. When you're doing content on YouTube, it's in your best interest to grab a hold of topics that are popular in the moment. Right now, Dolly Parton is trending, and Dave decided to join the people taking shots at her.
On one level, I understand him. The classic rock genre and people who make music in that sort of style aren't getting much love. New artists aren't getting played and even new material from classic artists doesn't get the time of day. I would just say to Dave, start your own internet radio station and be a part of the solution, but don't hate Dolly because she chose to make a record with classic rock songs.
Dolly Parton is 77 years old and still looks amazing for her age. I know people are going to get down on her for not being a mother and therefore not having grandchildren or great grandchildren at this point. However, she's been a mother figure to many in her family, and her philanthropy, which includes her doing her part to get children to read, is unquestionable. She makes a difference.
I've appreciated her music through the years, although admittedly I wasn't as big a fan of her as others in my circle. I will say I remember when she had her own TV show and would close with I Will Always Love You. It's a song that she wrote and, in my opinion, sang better than Whitney Houston. I just like her rendition of that song and don't really feel like it needed what Whitney gave it. Make no mistake, I like Whitney's version as well, but I prefer Dolly.
Dolly and her marketing team are very smart. I'm sure they had to think about what her appearance would do at the Cowboy game. Going out there dressed as a cheerleader might have bothered a few people who would rather see her in a rocking chair acting like their grandmother. However, I think Dolly made the determination that she looked good. We know her vocals are still on point, and we can say this knowing that she's 77 years old.
What does it say about the world that so many people are basically turned off by the fact that she's 77 years old and doing what she does? They would rather have her act her age, and that means not trying to be relevant on the world stage. As I write this, she has the number one rock album. We can debate what that says about the rock music industry, and I'm not disagreeing with what David says when it comes to that.
What we can't debate is that Dolly Parton is still relevant in the music industry at 77 years old. She is loved by people all around the world and still sounds great and looks amazing. She's managed this at 77 years old. I know some people have their own opinion on the life that she's lived. They will go after her for what she hasn't done in the family sense. However, Dolly made her choices, and she doesn't seem unhappy to me. I'm happy for her. It's her life, and she's lived it on her terms. She has made a difference in the world.