Don't Believe The Fear Mongering About North Korea
First all, you should understand that there's always a "threat of war" whenever the powers that be want to fill the people's minds with fear. There's nothing new under the sun. Could war happen? Sure. War is happening now. We're in a constant state of war, but the media doesn't show us what is happening in other countries. When our soldiers die, they don't want to show us the coffins coming back. They just talk about it in a completely sanitized way to keep you asleep. People are dying now because of war. They don't want people protesting the never ending war.
With respects to North Korea, they like to tell us how they are a threat to fire a nuclear missile at the United States or an ally. They might be able to. They might not. Do they have the capability? In reality, their leader knows what will come down on him and his country if he tests the resolve of the United States and its allies. He's not going to do anything but saber rattle, and that is the plan at this point.
You might ask why until you understand the truth of what is happening over there. A good portion of North Korea is in poverty. When the rest of the world is allowed to see footage, it's usually edited to show things in a good light. Occasionally, we get glimpses that are not pretty. The "Dear Leader" has a propaganda machine that tells the people what he wants them to know and only what he wants them to know. To be fair, other countries, including the United States, do the same thing, though maybe not as severely.
The difference is, he has his people afraid of us in a way that our own government tries to make us fear a nuclear attack from them. When he launches missiles into the ocean, it is a way to show his people how strong he is as as leader and how powerful his country is. This is why his people get constant military parades and a display of the county's might. He just wants his people to know how strong he and his country are, just the way his father showed them.
While you can't say it will never happen, it's not likely to happen unless it's escalated by people provoking it. It is the desire of a certain element of the global elite to have a war, but there's something to consider. There's not much we as a people can do, other than protest. We can't live in fear over something we can't control. We should also understand that it's not the North Koreans or the people of any other country that we are supposed to be at war with that are bad. It's just the leaders manipulating it all. The problem is, the leaders point their finger of blame at whomever, and the people blindly go along with the fear mongering. It's nothing new.