Monday, February 27, 2017
Is This Real Or Reality's Dream?
Many people on this planet don't believe in the system or what is being presented to them as the truth. It really just seems like the world has gone mad. I am not a religious person, but I am a spiritual person who believes in a Creator. I don't know or understand what that is, and it is based on my faith in the belief that we are not a cosmic accident.
A Christian might ask me why I don't completely believe in The Bible or organized religion. The best answer I can give you is that it is yet another system of control. It's not enough that they tell us what the rules are in society. They tell us what money is and how much it's worth. They explain what our reality is from an early age and tell us what is real and what is a conspiracy theory, even when contradicting themselves. Now, they tell us how to act and think they control where we go in the afterlife, if such a place exists. I believe it does, but who knows? The point is they want to control our very relationship with God.
I speak a lot about the political system and how it is there to give us the illusion that we have a voice. Millions and millions of people place their faith in it and are now to the point where they will hurt others who don't think like they do. It used to be that religion was considered a main culprit in that, but look at the world around you. The political system is a joke, and the politicians answer to the the rich, not the people.
Ultimately, we are only here for a short time in the grand scheme of things. Some may be lucky enough to live to be 100 in relatively good health, but that is still just a drop in the bucket of time. You still are not going to live on this planet forever, and why would you want to anyway? If you believe there is another level of existence we can't even begin to comprehend here, why would you want to unnaturally prolong things before making the next journey?
I'm not suggesting people shouldn't live life to the fullest here. You should. Live, love, learn and grow. Enjoy the ride. Don't take everything so serious. Don't believe everything you see in the world. Its just a stage. We're at our most real when we are enjoying experiences with each other and creating memories. Eventually, it comes to an end. The earth is not ours to keep, but it's here for us to dwell upon and take care of while we are here.
However, there is a movement by the elite to figure out a way to cheat death using technology. They are creating things with computers that I certainly can't understand. There are intelligent people who understand mathematics in a way that would make the average person's head spin. They are applying that knowledge towards creating smart computers that can peak into other realities that are remarkably similar to our own reality. There is an effort being made to create a computer that is basically alive.
The people who control the narrative will say that this is all some kooky conspiracy theory. Look at where the world was 40 years ago. We're doing things right now that seemed impossible then. Don't kid yourself. These people have seen enough evidence to suggest alternative realities and real artificial intelligence is possible, and they may know a lot more on both subjects right now than we are being led to believe.
You have people wanting to know if it is possible to crack the code of our very reality well enough to manipulate reality itself by artificial means. Some people would cite what they call the Mandela Effect as evidence that such manipulation is taking place now. The Mandela Effect was named after Nelson Mandela died in 2013. Evidently, some people had memories of him dying in the early 1990's. I don't remember that, but I've occasionally heard of some well known person dying and thought that I had heard they died years ago. Is this evidence that time has been altered, or is it a false memory?
If time has been altered to change history, how on earth would anybody know? Shouldn't you grow up believing the history as it was altered to become? How is it possible to remember it differently? The thought is that this is residual effect from the original history. Some people remember iconic lines in movies differently than they appear in our current time line. Some people remember corporate brand names and logos differently than they are in this time line. There are countless videos on the subject.
Is something going on? I just wonder why they would go back in time, if they can, just to mess with lines in movies and that sort of thing. I saw a video in which it was theorized that these movies had scenes filmed differently or originally had lines in the scripts different than what we see now. This person theorized that this meant that there were different ways in which the movie could be made, and our time line was changed to reflect one of the different ways it played out in one of the other time lines.
This sounds extremely far fetched until you get wind of what these highly educated people talk about. If they talk about it, could they be doing it? Why just mess with movies and logos? Well, if they are messing with little things, who says that is all they are doing? How could we tell? Could they be doing this as an experiment to see if the people notice anything? A moment in history may just be something in a history book. There's less chance the average person notices that compared to a popular movie or logo. Maybe that's why they do it as some sort of experiment.
Allow me to engage is speculation, not necessarily a belief I have. Look at the JFK assassination. The official story that many people don't believe is that Lee Harvey Oswald did it. There are some pictures out there that show that he wasn't even in the book depository when the shooting happened. Suppose he was when this originally happened and he fired a shot. Somebody goes back to change history, he doesn't fire a shot and JFK is still assassinated? Maybe they thought they could save him, or maybe they knew they wouldn't, but they wanted to leave behind another clue to see who noticed.
Here's the thing. Many people are already to a point where they don't know who or what in the world to believe anymore. They don't trust the government, the media or any of that. Now you have people on record attempting to do these things with computers. Some even believe they will eventually be able to upload their life essence into a computer and live forever in this existence as some sort of god. It sounds absolutely crazy, but this is at the core of transhumanism. You might just want to take a look at what these people are talking about, because they are working to make it a reality.
Our very reality could be hacked into at any time. There are people theorizing even now that we are living in a computer simulation. Do you trust your eyes? Religious people will point out that this world was never given to us. They will say it is actually ruled by the devil. Some of us who may not go by The Bible believe there is a dark force at work on our planet manipulating the elite to do their bidding, but religious people say it is the devil playing with reality to trick us all. It's all enough to make your head spin and make you want to tune out to the subject. Would you want to live forever in the world we live in now, controlled by the powers that control it?
Most of us just go about our daily lives making the best of things. We aren't the elite, and we don't have a seat at the table making the big decisions. Regardless, big decisions are being made. The world is getting stranger every day, and some people believe that this strangeness is accelerating. At some point, these intelligent tech minded individuals might take that strangeness into a realm that would rival the best science fiction movies we know. Are you ready for that? It's enough to make you wonder if we are living in reality, or is this reality's dream.