Tuesday, January 24, 2017
A New Election Fraud Documentary: Trump Stole It
Greg Palast has been doing documentaries and reports on things that people ought to be at least a little concerned with for years now. Since 2000 and the Bush vs Gore controversy, he's been working to uncover voter fraud. He has particularly been interested in the attempt to marginalize minority voters and exposing the method. I've been aware of these tactics despite the fact that the media seems to be silent.
I believe the recount effort in three key states, spearheaded by Dr. Jill Stein, was an attempt to find proof that this was happening, but all three efforts were shut down, Then president elect Donald Trump sent his lawyers to stop anything from happening. A smear campaign was done to paint a picture that Stein was trying to give the win to Hillary Clinton. Her effort was to make sure the votes were counted.
Even before election day, Palast was working on his documentary and showing how billionaires, including the Koch brothers, were attempting to deny votes in several states from minority groups who would have likely voted for Clinton. He mentions Ohio and Michigan in his report and how certain billionaires have not just been behind vote manipulation, but also how they pulled jobs out of those states by the thousands. Trump has claimed he will bring the jobs back.
The method to disenfranchise these voters is to put them on a list of voters suspected of participating in voter fraud where they vote in more than one state. The method to "weed out these voters" is called Cross Check and is funded by these largely Republican backing Billionaires. These voters have the same or similar first names and the same last names, but they have different middle names. Once they are on the list, they lose their votes.
The other tactic Greg presents is done in districts that have a large minority population, yet are still Republican controlled. They have fewer places to vote. They have the Real ID act that requires DMV ID, and they have shut down most, if not all, of the DMV offices in the area. The lack of enough voting precincts leads to ridiculously long lines. Then, some of them end up with absentee ballots after the wait because they are out of ballots. It just so happens to be easier to deny absentee ballots on technicalities once the votes are cast.
Now, it's important to note that the proof in this informative documentary doesn't show that Clinton won any states that were given to Trump, but it shows that this could have been the case. It's compelling enough reason to warrant a serious legal investigation of these tactics. With Trump the new president, the chances of that happening aren't too great. It makes a person wonder why former President Obama did nothing meaningful to fix this when he had the chance. It seems to be getting worse, not better.
My concern is I think what is going on here is bigger than either major political party. They are serving an agenda of the elite billionaires, not the people. The problem I have with this documentary is that the Democrats have people like George Soros manipulating things as well, and there is compelling evidence of them working to make it possible for undocumented citizens to vote illegally. The manipulation is happening everywhere, and I think the idea that we have fair elections in this country anymore is a joke.
I would still recommend watching this documentary to learn how these billionaires are attempting to manipulate the vote. I'd also urge people to do some research and learn how it's being done for the other side too. The concern I have here is people will fall into the trap of thinking it's only done for Republicans, and the only good party is the Democrats. They will fall in line on that side, and there is no meaningful change. So to those people, all Greg is doing here is enforcing their stance in the left-right paradigm, and this is a path to no change at all. We have to rise above all of the manipulation to really have our voices be heard. And at the heart of that is the right to a free and fair election.
Greg Palast Website: http://www.gregpalast.com/