Friday, October 7, 2016
Alex Jones Trolled Or Misinformed On Wikileaks News Conference?
Self proclaimed alternative media leader Alex Jones admitted that he got trolled by the supposed big announcement of Julian Assange of Wikileaks early Tuesday morning. Jones decided to have a special live edition of his show to cover the early morning event after reports that what was going to be released could prove to be damaging to Hillary Clinton and ultimately lead to the end of her presidential campaign.
This Wikileaks conference turned out to be more about celebrating ten years of releasing documents. Before Assange ever spoke, there were other speakers discussing the process they go through to release the data, the very real threats on people's lives for doing it and highlighting some of their accomplishments. By the times Assange spoke, he merely hinted at things to come as they continue to do what they do. He also noted the Americans watching the live stream by saying that 3 in the morning is not when Wikileaks releases that type of information.
At that point, Jones pretty much lost it and lamented the fact that he had been "trolled" by Assange. But, had he? Leading up to this moment, Assange had only hinted at what he might have concerning Clinton and indicated that it was interesting and entertaining. He never really said that what he had was some sort of "October Surprise" even though others had insinuated that. In fact, he mentioned that others were misquoting him and making assumptions.
Who are these others he might be referring to? One would be former Donald Trump "right hand man" Roger Stone, who had gone on the Infowars show with Jones and said that the information was bombshell and would be the end of Clinton's campaign. He even hinted at the idea that he and Assange had spoken privately on the matter. This appears to be the information Jones went with before doing the special broadcast, and it highlights a problem with the news he produces on his shows and website.
As a show and news site that offers different theories and perspectives on the news, Infowars has it's moments. There are times when they are very much on target. However, there are other times when they are off the mark, engaged in pure speculation or obviously coming at it with their own agenda. That's no different than what a mainstream left or right news site might do. They can give you things to think about, but in the end you might want to dig a little deeper before you blindly believe everything you hear.
In the case of Jones, one of his core themes through the years when he's spoken of presidential politics has been that left vs right doesn't matter. At their core, they are still owned by the people who are destroying our country. Neither candidate is for the people. He's even spoken about how picking between the lesser of two evils is still evil. However, Jones has unapologetically thrown his support behind Donald Trump. In fact, he's gone so far as to attack the Libertarian option, making allegations against Gary Johnson that seem a bit far fetched.
One might speculate as to why Jones has done this. Is it because he merely wants to stop Clinton, which obviously is one reason? Or is it his attempt to rise into the mainstream media if/when Trump wins and pad his own pockets? His true motives are his own, but it is obvious that Jones is selling the notion that Clinton must be stopped and Trump is somehow going to save America. Because of that, he took the bait set more by Stone than Assange, rather than research it a little bit more. If you've followed Jones, this isn't the first or last time he's done this with a story.
In the end, nothing relevant came out of the press conference, other than the fact that Wikileaks is celebrating ten years and people have died for getting real information out to the people. People in high places want the founder of Wikileaks put away permanently and have spoken of his assassination. But, at least for now, there is no bombshell revelation about Clinton. As for anybody trolling Alex Jones? One might point a finger at Stone or Jones himself. You'd think Jones would do more research before jumping right into something like this. Then again, this is something William Cooper tried to warn people of years ago. It appears as if Jones still hasn't learned.