It seems like there are more and more news stories on the subject of planets discovered out in space that could hold life. Are we alone in the universe is one of the questions that drives the space program. However, that question is accompanied by a certain degree of paranoia.
Let's not even talk about the effect discovering life outside of Earth would have on religion. We've seen the evils we can do on this planet. Our own government has done bad things. NAZI Germany, The Soviets, certain terrorist organizations. We're no saints here. So, if we have that evil in us, what about potential off planet visitors?
Some people look above for these benevolent "space brothers" to come save us, and we've heard countless theories about who they could be. In the movie Mars Attacks, as some people gathered to welcome them, they were attacked. No love was shown to them by the Martians.
In Close Encounters, you have the UFO appearing above the secret base and communicating through sounds. A few people were taken aboard the ship for a meeting. It seems like a positive meeting, but even Stephen Spielberg isn't sure he believes it would go that well.
Then, there's the abductions that go against people's will. Movies like Fire In The Sky and Communion show that very well. Author Whitley Strieber wrote Communion and other books. It's interesting to note that he says this really happened to him, and though it's not a pleasant experience, he doesn't completely hate them. Evidently, there were some good aliens among them.
Would you want to be abducted by these little gray aliens against your will? Paralyzed and unable to move. Helpless to their whim. Christians will note that there have been those who claim they ended this experience by evoking the name of Jesus to save them.
Why would they travel across the galaxy simply to abduct people and create a hybrid race, conduct anal experiments and put tracking devices in people? Are they worried that we would just shoot first and ask questions later? We do have that sort of history. On the other hand, if they want to create a hybrid species, there are plenty of people here who would willingly volunteer.
Maybe all of that abduction talk is just talk. A story to sell books. I'm sure Whitley has done well with his books, because he's written more than one. Who knows? But the fact is they may be out there. If they are, will they be friend or foe? The answer would greatly impact the future of life on this planet.