At the bottom of this article is a link to the latest episode of Question Everything...
In a recent episode of Question Everything, we were moved to the age restriction area. I found that interesting and very disturbing, because I felt it was the most thought provoking episode we had done yet. I do understand that this is the reality of social media site. The minute you play in their sand box, you are subject to their rules and their agenda. This is why I'm not a big social media person. I tolerate it, but I don't love it.
To expand on that point, it was the late William Cooper who once said that you can't get mad at the media for pushing their agenda for a simple reason. Those TV stations and newspapers are owned by somebody. It's their property and they can do what they want. It's a free country, and that means they can push whatever agenda they want. Of course, Cooper went on to instruct people on how to go about creating their own local newspapers and micro broadcasting radio stations. This is one of the things I liked about the man.
He was so much better than some of the people out there now calling themselves leaders in the "truth" movement. I call it Truth Incorporated. Mr, Cooper himself didn't want to be considered the leader and warned people about exalting him, saying, "I am only a man, and I will surely fail you." I respect him for that as well. He wasn't always right, and early in his career, he was misled and had to eat a lot of humble pie as he learned more of what was going on. It's a lie to say he was a UFO guy as some people in Truth Incorporated try to say. He abandoned that for about the last ten years of his life.
Now, Cooper had a term for the people who were not "awake" to what was going on or were in denial of it. He called them sheeple. I think he was the one who coined that phrase. I get why he did that, but I am NOT a fan of that term. It belittles people who haven't looked into the way the world really works. It's also a way to get people to ignore you. If you are labeling people as ignorant sheeple while trying to get them to open their minds, they are more likely to ignore you for calling them names. Now, Bill dealt with some ignorant people sometimes, so I get why he came up with the label
This leads me back to censorship and PC (Politically Correct) language. We've been warned that this was coming, and the two things go hand in hand. With censorship, you just lose the right to communicate your ides to those who may be interested. That is a dangerous road, and there are places already engaging in this behavior. I mention social media, but its bigger than that. However, there is a push to change the internet, force people to identify who they are and make it easier to shut that person down. It hasn't been implemented yet, but it will be if certain people have their way.
It's up to the people whether they accept this or not. People have been plotting a course for humanity for centuries and have had good and not so good ideas during that time. They come up with ideas to get the people to accept it. Usually, they implement things gradually so that people aren't even aware of what is happening until it's too late. However, because people have a will of their own, the people change the direction of things in a way that those planners didn't intend. The future is unwritten, despite the best laid plans to pre determine a course.
With PC talk, they get us to censer ourselves. This is accomplished through various tricks. They love using racism to shut people up when they weren't even talking about race to begin with. They make certain words offensive. They make certain political speech unacceptable to use. So, the people may be thinking about something as a response to what they are hearing, but then the PC training kicks in. They censor themselves by either not offering their full opinion for fear of offending or saying nothing at all.
Suddenly, people aren't talking to each other about real issues. They can talk about a deflated football or the next contestant eliminated from some reality show, but not the things that really matter. They are guided into this way of doing things so gradually that they aren't even aware that it is happening to them. Some people realize it and are scared. They just go along. Other people have no clue. Some get mad when you point it out to them.
The ones who are more open to the realities around them react in different ways. There is the frustration of not being able to get through to people. There is outright anger when they are hit with insults and considered by some to be a "tin foil hat" wearing kook. The conditioning is such that some will even question their own sanity. The ones who have some idea of how they will be labeled if they speak up will use that fear of being called names as a reason to shut up. It's better to be PC and censor themselves than risk any kind of backlash.
The bottom line is we should always feel free to speak without fear of PC and censorship. It doesn't mean we are always right or that people will agree with us. But, we can learn from each other when we communicate honestly. To do that, we cannot censer ourselves. We can learn for one another.
I'll end with a comment about the future and those who know things are not as they should be. The future is unwritten. We as a people can guide and shape that future in a positive way if we communicate honestly and don't give into PC language or censorship. The most important thing is to enjoy life, be happy with those you love and realize that you have the power to change the future in a positive way.
Here the latest episode of Question Everything