I'm not entirely sure this is where I'm going to end up, but I am sure I am getting frustrated with things on the "pay" blogs and the changes going on there. I've had people tell me I needed to start up a new blog of my own and monetize it. I've started one up, but at this point they won't let me monetize it. So, I'm not so sure how long I will keep at this.
I do like the idea that I can track my posts and keep an eye on how they are performing here. Plus, I can run this blog as I see fit. What I will cover here is pretty much what I was covering at the pay blogs. I will talk politics, spiritual, pop culture, sports, fashion, entertainment and whatever else enters my mind.
I enjoy writing, and I just know I need to have other outlets. The problem with signing up at other people's blogs is that you are subject to their whims. They can change things without warning, and that generally results in you getting taken advantage of. That's life working on the internet click farm. Speaking of which, I will be debiting an article on the "click farm" shortly.
What I like to do with what I write is get people to think from time to time. Whether you agree with my opinions or disagree isn't what's important to me. It's that you think for yourself and not be afraid if you are going against the grain in your beliefs. Never take my word or anybody's word for it if it sounds questionable. Do some research and think for yourself.
Well, enough of that. I should have some interesting articles for you to read in the days ahead, or at least that's the goal.