I can't help but be interested in the continuing saga of Corey Feldman and his story of being abused as a child and eventually molested. What bothers me is the way Corey has overshadowed his co-star in many of his movies with his story. That person is no longer able to speak for himself. Because that person is portrayed as a victim in Corey's story, he has to be acknowledged here in what I'm about to lay out. However, I will refer to this person as Corey's "colleague" as I analyze the evidence from clues I have seen.
The purpose of this is not to attack anybody. I don't completely understand the ways of the mind when it comes to being a victim of molestation, but I have seen enough evidence to know it changes you. I also believe both Corey and his colleague have been victims. They come from different backgrounds. Corey was pushed into this business before he knew which way was up. His colleague grew up in a loving family and was not discouraged when he caught the acting bug.
From the time these two met, Feldman had already been in the business for over a decade. Corey was a "seasoned veteran" compared to his colleague, but his colleague had established that he too was very talented. In the book Coreography, Feldman hadn't claimed any sexual abuse occurred on him by the time the two met. However, I have my doubts. Corey isn't putting it all in his book. He's holding back. This is not just because of his use of pseudonyms used at the urging of his publisher. I am of the opinion that there was more going on. He was used and abused by his parents, and nobody I've seen has disputed that. What raises alarms is the naked boyfriend of his mother walking around his house when he was younger. Naked adults in front of children is not normal behavior. I can't prove anything here. I'm just saying it raises alarms.
Corey's colleague is depicted in the book as having made a phone call to him as they were set to do their first movie together. Nobody has disputed that claim. The mother of Corey's colleague has even said that the two were close in the beginning. I'm guessing we are talking about a 4-5 year span. This is where it get's disturbing and fingers are pointed in blame. Corey is being called a liar.
Feldman almost depicts his colleague as being gay. He explains it in his book by saying he really didn't understand it himself and now realizes it was wrong to think that way. His colleague is portrayed as wanting to "fool around" with him because "that's what guys do" according to what he says his colleague told him. He further states that his colleague said he was molested on the set of a movie he filmed in 1985. This has caused a wide range of speculation from people who want to out the pedophile who attacked Corey and his colleague. Names are being thrown out there without any evidence.
Did something happen to Corey's colleague at that point? According to his colleague's mother, the answer is no. I am mixed on this. His colleague's mother had a close relationship with her son. However, does that mean he would tell her everything? When it happened, there's a good chance he wouldn't because of the shame involved. Then, as he turned to certain substances and began his downward spiral, I would totally understand a loving mother feeling that this is somehow all her fault. She knows of his abuse of these substances. How will she react and beat herself up if she knew there was molestation involved? This is speculation here. It's Corey's word against his colleague's mother.
Here's where it gets disturbing. Corey finally starts naming names in his book (under pseudonyms). He can't (or won't) come out and name them all, although he names Marty Weiss as somebody who molested both he and his colleague. Marty has been convicted years later of this crime on another boy. When you read the book, Corey still paints it like he was a victim but his colleague was almost asking for it. Could you blame his colleague's mother for taking offense?
However, consider this. Corey almost looks like a pimp here without making the money. In his book and even on the Lifetime movie based on the book, he suggests Marty is gay and Haim could play with him. Why would you admit introducing a boy to a pedophile? Isn't that some sort of crime? So, is it made up? If it was made up and he knows his colleague is no longer here to dispute it, why would he describe it in a way that makes himself look bad in his book?
As Corey lays out the abuses in his book that he says happened to him, he went on Dr. Oz late in 2017 and revealed the names of Jon Grissom and Alphy Hoffman as two people who molested him. Like Weiss, Grissom was basically a care taker for Corey. Hoffman ran the popular Soda Pop Club parties, which is where you get into the possibility of a pedophile ring. Feldman has been saying there was a pedo ring. Hoffman suspiciously closed his Twitter account around the time that Corey named him on Dr. Oz.
He's not through with his colleague. He introduced him to another molester, and again Corey depicts it in his book as if his colleague wanted it. The disturbing theme where his colleague is concerned is Corey's book paints it like his colleague was consenting to gay sex with an adult. His colleague's mother has confirmed that something happened here as far as she knows. She says it only happened once, and the guilty party, according to her, is Dominick Brascia. Feldman used a pseudonym in this instance, but clues point directly to Dominick. Corey has yet to publicly confirm that the man that his colleague's mother identified is the same man he eludes to in his book.
What I find interesting is the way Corey portrays his colleague. There's almost a bit of jealousy here, although Corey's movies before he ever met his colleague did well. He is a good actor in his own right. He mentions his colleague snagged a role that he wanted before they met and also that his colleague snagged the role he wanted in the second movie they did together. Corey got the lead in the third movie, and his colleague managed to snag a supporting role at the last minute. When you look at the interviews, it's obvious Corey was not pleased. His colleague didn't see a problem. My opinion is his colleague at that time considered Corey a close friend, maybe moreso than Corey thought of him.
They went their separate ways at that point and battled their own demons. Corey appears to have made it through and revived his career as at least a B Movie actor with several starring roles right up until not too many years ago. His colleague struggled, but it seems to me Corey was always willing to throw him a bone when he felt his own career needed a jump start. I'm unaware of his colleague ever saying no to one of these offers. From my view, it seemed as if Corey had the upper hand here. The first two movies they did in the 1990's were without incident, but it all came unraveled when they were doing their 1997 movie.
Feldman directed this one and decided to hire his friend Brascia. We have two conflicting stories here. In Corey's story, his colleague was too messed up on drugs and he had to make the difficult decision to fire him. Stories from his colleague's camp paint a different picture. His colleague had been able to process what happened to him in the 1980's and reacted badly when he saw Brascia on the set. He ended up quitting at that point. I have to wonder if this incident was the first time Corey's colleague's mother was aware of anything happening to her son. People seem to think only Corey or his colleague's mother are right here, but both could be telling the truth. She can be right if she is just being honest in saying this was the only time (to her knowledge) that it happened.
Here's where it gets murky. I've read people from the camp of Corey's colleague claim that nothing ever happened to Corey and that he's making it all up because his colleague came out on an episode of their reality show and accused Corey of doing nothing when Corey's friend raped him. To the accusation that Corey is making up his own victimization. He is on tape saying it happened to him when talking to the police during an investigation in 1993. He has said this happened to him through the years. Secondly, Reality TV is scripted. Corey and his colleague knew what they were going to talk about before it was filmed. They agreed to do it.
One thing that disturbs me and makes me understand that while they were colleagues and at one time very close, they weren't best friends in later years, is the way Corey did not have his colleague's back when the opportunity to do a sequel to their first movie became a reality. Feldman knew this was his colleague's baby. He knew this was not going to be given the treatment it deserved, on a par with the first movie. He could have declined, but he didn't. Easy for me to say? There are some lines real friends won't cross if they care about the other person. Furthermore, I never heard Corey say he tried to stop those final episodes of their Reality TV show from going on air when they painted his colleague in such a bad light. In fact, Corey's wife at the time used it to throw Corey's colleague under the bus. People watch reality shows and think they are real, and Corey's colleague was thrown to the wolves again.
You also have guessing games being played because of Feldman's book. Name his colleague's abuser. Corey says he will get sued, but there are ways to get that name out there if it really happened. Maybe it did, but handling things the way he's handling them is only making it a joke. It's basically pissing on his colleague's grave at this point. Dominick Brascia, a man Corey was friends with and still won't name as an abuser, has stepped forward to point fingers too. A year after the incident on the set of the movie that was released in 1997, there was an E True Hollywood Story about Corey. It was also updated as the reality show was set to debut. Brascia is one of the people interviewed about his friend Feldman.
Brascia did an interview with The Enquirer naming Charlie Sheen as the one who molested Corey's colleague on the set of the movie they did in 1985. He basically claimed that Corey's colleague was his good friend. A YouTube video made by one of Corey's colleague's supporters is calling out Feldman and Brascia to take lie detector tests. In the comments, Brascia tells a story of how he and another friend were called by Corey's colleague to a park to back him up as he confronted another man. This was inferred to have been a molester of Corey's colleague. His name is Marty Weiss. This means Brascia has attempted to publicly name two people, while Corey's colleague's mother has directly named Brascia as the perpetrator.
To add just a bit more to the story, a video posted on YouTube in 2014 shows Corey at the 25th Young Actors Awards ceremony (2004). Feldman's brief speech included a thank you to Marty Weiss. Feldman did comment on it on Twitter recently, saying he was told before going on that he had to thank him. He what? The man is a pedophile, which you knew at the time, and you thanked him? Furthermore, he and his wife at the time posed for a picture with Weiss. At the time, Weiss hadn't been convicted of being a pedophile. However, there is a lot more going on here than we are being told. As I've listened to all of this, I have come to a realization.
Corey's colleague is not getting the respect that he deserves. You rarely even see him mentioned without Corey. Nobody is out there talking about what a star he was in his own right, and he was not given the respect that he deserved for the good he did. There was no mention of him among the other stars we lost at the next Academy Awards ceremony. If you do believe Corey knows the truth, dragging this out as long as he is is only tarnishing the career of an actor who is no longer here to speak for himself. Say it and move on. This is why I have decided that in anything more I write about Feldman, I will do my best to leave his colleague's name out if it.
His colleague's mother had a simple request. Leave him out of it. She had another request after he died. I will talk about that, but not here. I think it's only fair that he shouldn't have to be billed in the same story with Feldman. Yes, they did movies together, but he had a career on his own too. What I truly wish is he could be remembered for the good he did during his time. As for Feldman, he has a lot of explaining to do about things, and he is only making it harder for anybody to believe him with his actions.
Note: The opinions expressed are mine alone and based on the information I have as of this writing. I am not trying to blame anybody, but I am trying to understand what is really going on.