Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Has One Of Corey Feldman's Abusers Been Identified?

One can only imagine what Corey Feldman is going through now.  Unless you've been through it, you don't fully understand.  Corey has been speaking "in code" for quite some time about who his sexual abusers might be.  There are reasons one would do this.  I think fear is a factor.  You want people to know that this happened to you and to be able figure out who did it without telling them directly.  You feel guilt and shame that it happened to you, and you genuinely fear for your life.  In Corey's case, he has a family to protect too

Feldman has been attacked by some and defended by others since announcing his Indiegogo campaign of $10,000,000 to bring out the truth in a movie.  In two interviews yesterday with Matt Lauer and Megyn Kelly, he reiterated that he knows six names and will name them all.  He also said that because of the California statute of limitations, he needs a good team of lawyers for his defense, and he needs protection.  Knowing how high this can go, I don't doubt that he needs protection.  What he is doing can start a chain reaction that will bring out other victims who name other abusers.  In fact, this is the goal.

We will speculate here, based on what has been said and uncovered.

When The Two Corey's Reality TV show aired, Feldman and Coey Haim had a heated discussion.  Bear in mind, Reality IV is scripted, if you haven't figured that out yet.  Haim brought up an incident where he said, "I was raped, so to speak."  There's some code speak going on here.  Feldman revealed that it happened to him too, but Haim said something else interesting.  He said Feldman introduced him to this person.  He also said Feldman was still friends with him.  Both asked each other why they didn't help.  Both were victims.  In the middle of all of that, remember they were all making a lot of money, and people were depending on them.  Quite a bit of pressure for a couple of 14 year olds.

Haim did an interview with a reporter who was uncovering the truth of what went on at The Soda Pop Club in Hollywood.  Many of the teen and pre teen stars went there.  In the interview, Haim pointed out that Feldman invited him.  I doubt Feldman knew anything other than it was a place for the young stars to hang out.  This club was run by Alphy Hoffman.  This reporter seemed interested in whether Hoffman was involved in getting either Corey drugs.  Haim insisted repeatedly that he did not.  But, he emphasized that Hoffman was a bad person and he didn't like him.  He didn't discuss why.  Sadly, Corey Haim has since died, and I don't know if he ever said anything more on the subject of Hoffman.

If the signs point to Hoffman as an abuser of Haim, Feldman seems to indicate that he was a victim of Hoffman as well.  Two clues Feldman has recently put out there in TV interviews are The Soda Pop Club and the guy who ran that club now works for the LA Dodgers.  This has caused people to look all over for clues.  Hoffman made no secret of his pride in running the club or the fact that Feldman and Haim were two of the kids he hung out with.  An old MySpace account of Hoffman's still has pictures of him on stage with the two Corey's along with child actor Alfonso Ribiro.

Feldman said in his interview with Kelly last night that he has already named Marty Weiss as one of the six abusers.  His clues have now pointed a finger at Hoffman.  It's important to note that this is only speculation, but some people are already convinced that he is one of them.  Let's hope more truth will be brought to light in the days ahead.  People like Corey risk their lives when they dare to talk about things like this.  If you want to support his efforts to bring out the truth, click the link below.

Corey Feldman's TRUTH Campaign  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/corey-feldman-s-truth-campaign#/

Halloween And Cross Dressing Makes An Interesting Combination

It's maybe not a widely known fact, but there is a big day coming up for closet cross dressers. This is the day when they can come out and be seen in public without being seriously ridiculed. Sure, they may be kidded a little bit, but only in fun.
The big day is Halloween. Halloween is traditionally known as the children's day to go door to door Trick Or Treating for candy. They could go as their favorite super hero, a princess or whatever they can imagine. Kids look forward to all of that candy.

For adults, there are costume parties. Some jobs actually allow employees to get into the spirit of the day too. For those men who have secretly dressed up behind closed doors in women's clothing, this is their day to come out in public.

Many cross dressers have always wanted to know what it would be like to wear women's clothing in public, and Halloween has been the occasion for some first time trips outside. This can take on many forms.

Some married couples have done this together. The wife has dressed the husband up. Some of the more popular choices have been a french maid, a cheerleader, a nurse or even a princess. And, they go all out for this experience. On some occasions, it was not something the husband thought of, but the wife thought it would be fun.

However, there are those who are working through things as they dress up in private. They want to try a public excursion, and wearing a pretty costume on Halloween is just the ticket for them. From there, some have gradually come out in public in the days that followed.

So, if you see a male friend dressed up as a woman on Halloween, keep in mind that they may just be having a bit of fun. However, there could be more going on than that. Either way, it doesn't make them a bad person.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Corey Feldman Raising Money To Make Movie Naming His Abusers

Something sick and disgusting is going on in the world today, and it's been going on for far too long.  In the book Because, That's What They Want You To Think (free pdf and slight print fee at lulu.com), it's touched upon in one chapter.  It just about sickens me to even write about it here, but I have to.  You've heard about the Franklin Coverup scandal and the news in England regarding Jimmy Saville.  Sick, perverted men and little boys.

When stories like these break, the media tends to make them go away.  The media is part of this corrupt system because it is owned by some of the very people involved or who condone such actions.  Many neighborhoods all around the world have heard a missing child report or two.  Sometimes they get lucky and find the child alive, many times they don't.  Sometimes those children are never found.  Sometimes they are dead.  They may be the lucky ones when you consider what may happen to the ones who lived and have never returned home.  I won't even entertain that thought any further here.

Corey Feldman has made some pretty memorable movies as did his good friend Corey Haim.  Sadly, Haim died of pneumonia.  He had been battling drug addiction for years that was no doubt a way for him to deal with all that he went through.  When you think about what these two have said they went through at the hands of predatory men when they were kids, can you blame either of them if they turned to certain substances to help numb the pain they were feeling.  I can only say these kids were not bad or somehow to blame because of what happened to them.  They were victims.

Hollywood is being rocked with the news of the sexual harassment of women.  You hear these sorts of stories all the time.  It's bad enough what some women have had to endure from men who couldn't keep their hands off of them with their unwanted advances.  For a long time, she had to accept it.  I can't imagine the guilt and shame a woman feels after being violated, but even worse is how some are still victimized and blamed when they come out with their stories.  This is still happening, and it needs to stop.

Go a level or two down in depravity and you'll find the sickos who prey on children, robbing them of their innocence.  This happens not just in Hollywood but everywhere, and if the identity of these predators were ever revealed, our whole system could be brought down.  They use all of their power and resources to keep this quiet and have no guilt or shame about it.  How any man can do these things to little boys and little girls is incomprehensible, but it happens nonetheless.

Feldman hinted again at these things recently and has subsequently been warned in the ways in which those in power warn you.  The entertainment media will mock these entertainers when they have episodes in public that are unusual, and people laugh and judge them.  The people have no clue what it's like.  Many times one sells their soul to make it in the industry with no clue what they are getting into.  Feldman, for lack a of a better term, was pimped out to Hollywood by his mother at a young age.  That goes for many child stars who are used and thrown out.  In Corey's case, he was used sexually by older men.

Now, he has stepped forward to try to get the word out via a movie he wants to make and distribute in various theaters himself.  That is not cheap to do.  My gut says, name names now and get them out there Corey.  He may very well decide to do that, but he is trying to think of the safety of his family.  This is why he has remained silent or only hinted at things before.  Make no mistake, he is in danger.  The truth needs to come out, even if it is an ugly truth.  Even if the names named are seen as respected public figures.

This sort of action against children should not be tolerated.  Corey is stepping forward and he needs help.  Spread the word, or donate to the link below.  This could be the domino that topples the whole row of dominoes and brings about much needed change.  He will be ridiculed and accused of making a buck.  What he proposes with this project will cost a lot of money.  I would expect that when he gets further along in the process, it will be announced that money will be put towards helping those recover from the trauma and further education to prevent this from happening to others.

If they have their way, Corey will be painted by their brush as a crazy person.  They will discredit him and maybe even kill him.  When that's all done, the story will be buried and nothing will ever change.  That is what they do.  Corey and other victims need your prayers.  If you can, support what he is doing here.

Corey Feldman's TRUTH Campaign  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/corey-feldman-s-truth-campaign#/ 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Star Trek Continues Visits Parallel Universe With It's Third Episode

Star Trek Continues Visits Parallel Universe With It's Third Episode

This one comes from a blog I used to have, but I thought it would be fun to share it here.

Star Trek Continues has aired the third episode of their series on the internet. This is the show that picks up the original Star Trek where it left off right after the show was canceled back in the 1960's. In the latest episode, they returned to what fans refer to as The Mirror Universe.

Through the years, other Star Trek series have visited this universe, which is a parallel dimension where there is no Federation. At the time of the original series, that universe was ruled by the Terran Empire, and they were ruthless.

A transporter malfunction on the episode Mirror, Mirror of the original series sent Captain Kirk onto the ship of the alternate Enterprise. In the end, he convinces the Commander Spock of that Enterprise to do the right thing and change the course of history.

We had to wait until Deep Space 9 to find out what really happened in the other universe. Things kind of went badly for the people of Earth after that, but we never found out exactly what Spock did until the latest episode of Star Trek Continues. Did the other Kirk get killed as has been speculated?

The episode "The Fairest Of Them All" of Star Trek Continues attempts to answer that question, and they do it in a way that leaves the door open for another episode, should they chose to go there. Maybe they'll return, but as long as we get more episodes of this awesome show, I'm not complaining.

I don't want to give away the plot, which takes place on the alternate Enterprise and stars Spock, played by Todd Haberkorn, and Kirk, played by Vic Mignogna. I'd also add that the cast turned in a solid performance. I would not want to be sent to see the other Doctor McCoy. What will Spock do and how will Kirk deal with it? Will it be mutiny?

Well, the beautiful part is that this show is airing for free on the Internet. As I've written in the past, the acting and the feel of this show is quite good. It could have definitely aired back in the 60's. I think Gene Roddenberry would approve of this as it is totally in the spirit of the Trek that he envisioned.

Check Out This And Other Episodes Here: www.startrekcontinues.com/

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Concern Over Being Transgender In Prison, But What About Rape?

I notice in the transgender rights movement that one of the issues they are fighting for is the right to transition in prison. They also fight for the right to be in the prison of the gender in which you identify. It's a rather interesting debate as some will claim you gave up that right when you were put in prison.

The right to be held with the gender in which you identity is important, despite the erroneous concern that guys would pretend to be women. It's fairly obvious who is transgender, and putting somebody who appears to be a woman in with the men is just asking for trouble. She is sure to get raped, and probably repeatedly.

While I agree that trans prisoners should be put with the gender in which they identity, there's a bigger issue that I never hear spoken of. Nothing is being done to address the rape issue in prison. All I hear of is the call for condoms, but how many rapists will bother with that? What is the warden really going to do to a lifetime prisoner at that point?

Some will say they shouldn't have been thrown in prison if they didn't want to get raped. The problem with that way of thinking is that some people are wrongly convicted or weren't hardened criminals when they were put in there, but they are thrown in with hardened criminals who want sex and are abusive.

So, that person is an easy target. Did the crime they were convicted of call for them to be raped and robbed of their dignity in prison? This is what happens to some people. Suddenly, the punishment exceeds the crime. It seems like nobody cares about that and it's held up as a reason not to go to prison. Nothing is being done to change that.

What the trans community is saying is that she can't fend off the guys and will be raped, and it's a legitimate concern. However, the issue of prison rape itself is something that should be addressed. The weaker male prisoners don't have the advocates for them that the transitioning prisoners have.

An ABC News Story On Prison Rape: abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=131113

Saturday, October 21, 2017

You Want Censorship? Be Careful What You Wish For

Censorship is an ugly thing.  Imagine trying to make your point on whatever topic, only to find out that your opinion is not allowed.  This happens every day.  I see an argument being made that it's just "the marginalized" in this country, blacks, women, the LGBT community, but it goes deeper than that.  It's just that the divide and conquer technique being used to pit us off against each other based on our differences is a popular method used by the those in power.  It's not just a gender or color thing.

Go back enough years and there weren't as many platforms for one to express their opinion, but there was still censorship.  The newspaper or TV refusing to acknowledge a certain viewpoint was one way of doing it.  You could get into trouble at work for simply expressing an opinion of disagreement over company policy.  Let's say you wanted to go to the people.  Perhaps you distributed fliers or newsletters to the people or maybe you just spoke on a street corner for all to hear.  You could get shut down there too.  All you had to do was dare to offer a point of view that went outside the norm.

We have the online platform now.  You can make a video or audio blog.  You can simply go to Twitter, Facebook, Blogger or any one of a number of places.  If you speak outside the normal confines of what the establishment has deemed acceptable, and this doesn't mean it has to be racist, pornographic or anything like that, you can get shut down.  They are doing it if you question anything the media says or the official story on something.  Donald Trump gave them the meme of "Fake News" to use, and that's one way they go after you.  Offer an opinion, lay out your argument and evidence for all to consider and they will still shut you down if those in power don't like it.

I'm hearing of people being censored after others called for it.  Commonly, it's used along political lines.  This "conservative'" opinion is racist because I don't agree with it or this "liberal's" opinion is bad because they are Anti American.  So, you have average people calling for banning free speech simply because they don't agree with it.  It's not a left or right issue, it's a freedom of speech issue.  Freedom of speech was never put into The Constitution to protect popular speech, because popular speech is generally not in danger of being censored.

People who claim to love this country should stop and think before they ask for somebody's free speech to be terminated.  First of all, good things have happened because people spoke out against the bad, and history is full of those stories.  Secondly, when you call for others to be silenced, you're opening the door for censorship to just be accepted, mainly on the grounds that it hurts somebody's feelings.  Be assured that if it becomes acceptable to silence opposing views, your views may be next on the chopping block.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Styx Releases Exciting New Album Without Dennis DeYoung

Styx just released a new album called The Mission.  It's a concept album.  It's the brainchild of Tommy Shaw, who wrote the song that inspired the band to do this concept album about a mission to Mars.  Now, the "irony meter" will go off for the fans of Styx co-founder Dennis DeYoung.  Weren't Shaw and James Young tired of concept albums?  This was implied in that controversial episode of MTV's Behind The Music.

There is a bigger dilemma for Dennis DeYoung fans who have given The Mission a fair listen.  This album is good, and it's filled with moments that hearken back to the band's glory days of the 1970's.  While the album did hit the charts, it didn't go very far up and quickly fell.  DeYoung fans will point out that the missing ingredient that is needed to get the band back up on the charts, if it's even possible in 2017, is DeYoung's creative influence and guiding hand.

The divide still exists.  There are fans who insist that the band is better off without Dennis, and there are those who won't even give them a chance because Dennis isn't there.  Admittedly, the band did annoy DeYoung fans from the moment they began touring without him when they introduced keyboard virtuoso and Canadian pop star Lawrence Gowan nearly 20 years ago on a rotating keyboard.  That's really just the showmanship of Gowan, but some took it as the band being "in your face" about the whole situation.

For Gowan's part, he's been nothing but humble about the whole situation.  He's never claimed to be better than Dennis or that he's trying to fill his shoes.  He simply says he's there to allow the band to carry on and do what they do best.  It has to be frustrating at times to be asked the DeYoung question, but Gowan always handles the situation with class.  DeYoung recently discussed the possibility of reuniting for a final tour on his podcast.  While one might think a tour with Dennis and Lawrence would be doable and profitable, it's still unlikely.  Gowan commented in a recent interview that he doesn't blame DeYoung for wanting to be in this band, because it's a great band.

In reality, DeYoung is in a pretty good band these days as well.  DeYoung tours with a talented group of musicians that include lead guitarist Jimmy Leahy and singer/guitarist August Zadra.  Zadra played in a Styx tribute band and has been able to do versions of the Tommy Shaw Styx hits that are faithful to the original versions.  Even Leahy has been heard doing a nice version of Young's Miss America.  DeYoung sounds as good as ever at 70 years old, and some who have attended his concerts say he's doing a better version of Styx than the band currently touring with the name.

The question then becomes, why would he want to come back to that band 20 years later when he's making great music as it is?  He's working on a new album and did a live DVD a couple years ago.  He can tour on his own schedule, and he's already long dispelled the myth pushed by the VH1 show that he didn't want to tour or play rock music.

Styx was a group that rocked and also made it onto the pop stations.  They crossed over to new fans, largely because of DeYoung's guidance.  The optimism in the Styx lyrics in those days resonated with the fans.  Perhaps a reason fans want to see this reunion is because of how listening to the music of that band made them feel.  Then, they saw the very public divorce that ended up in court.  It's further compounded by the fact hat Styx has attempted to rewrite history and elevate certain albums into a status that the album never had, while ignoring obvious hits.  Of course, DeYoung fans aren't fond of hearing Gowan sing his songs anyway.  Is Pieces Of Eight the band's second best album?  Depends on who you ask, but you'll likely find more fans than not who would rank that album third or fourth in order of importance.

Then, you have Styx rerecording their classic songs without DeYoung.  They go out of their way to pretend he didn't exist.  At one time, the official web page credited the Panozzo brothers with founding the band.  John and Chuck Panozzo were the backbone of the group, but does anybody really believe the band would be here today had Dennis not gotten together with them to form the band?  They spent many years developing their sound before they even had a hit, and then it was a song penned by DeYoung.  The singles charts and record sales don't lie.  The reality is, the band wouldn't be here today if not for the band people supported in its heyday.

The reunion talk will continue, because the band meant a lot to the fans when they were growing up.  Styx was part of the sound track of our youth.  They were a band of good vibes, positivity and optimism.  To see the bad feelings that Young seems to bear towards DeYoung, and the fact that we will probably never see that reunion is disappointing to some.  Young said it best on that old VH1 show, since it really comes down to him.  A reunion will happen when they are playing hockey on the river Styx.

DeYoung's band still tours and rocks the house.  He still has that trademark sense of humor, his voice is still good and he still hits those notes.  He's committed to giving the fans all of the hits of Styx, which Zadra helps make possible.  A new album is in the works, and perhaps we'll get a glimpse of what a Styx album might sound like if Dennis were still in the band.

The band Styx still continues to rock the house.  They've remained committed to putting on a show that almost pretends that the band stopped making albums after The Grand Illusion and Pieces Of Eight.  Cornerstone, Paradise Theater and Kilroy Was Here almost don't exist at all in their set, all albums that feature some of DeYoung's best moments.  In fact, the band will dust off other people's songs and add them to their set list to present themselves in a way that a segment of their original fan base does not see them.  And, it's working for them.

The Mission sounds like it would fit in perfectly right after Pieces Of Eight.  It has that classic sound to it.  And, it had no Dennis DeYoung input at all.  In fact, it showcases his replacement quite well.  It's worth a listen, even if you are a staunch DeYoung supporter.  Fans will insist that with DeYoung they would still have a chance to top the charts again.  Maybe they would and maybe they wouldn't.  Maybe this album didn't stay on the charts, but maybe the way the industry has changed has something to do with it.  The bottom line is an album is good or bad on it's own merits, not how many sales it's had.  This album is good.

The debate about this band will continue, because Styx brought that sort of passion out of its fans.  Maybe they will reunite one day, and maybe they won't.  Right now, you have two bands touring and making good music.  There's nothing wrong with that.  It's good music.  Just go and enjoy the show.

Friday, October 13, 2017

How attached are you to all of your possessions?

How attached are you to all of your possessions?  This is a question I've been asking myself for a while now.  Two years ago next month, I lost my home of 30 years.  It was weighing heavy on my mind for weeks.  What would I do with my stuff?  Could I keep anything?  Things I collected for years that were special to me were in danger of being lost.

In my old home state of California, a place I hope to be able to go back to again one day soon, fires have devastated neighborhoods.  People had to leave with just the clothes on their back and await news on the fate of their homes.  Some were lucky, but others got the bad news.  The fire destroyed everything.

Many of us are sentimental about one thing or another.  You can replace clothing, TV's and things like that, but there are things you collect through the years that are not as easy to replace.  Photo albums and that sort of thing are irreplaceable.  There are store bought things that we purchased years ago.  They aren't easy to find anymore.  Most people have something important to them.

I had family invite me to stay with them temporarily while I tried to figure out what to do next.  In the midst of that was pressure from an uncle to get out.  I never would have been there if not for my aunt, and that made it more stressful on top of losing my home and still grieving over my father.  I was able to keep most of the possessions important to me.

The pressure to leave was so great that I had to jump at the first offer thrown my way, despite the fact that it was not something I would have opted for if I had time to choose.  It was a place to say in another state.  So, I packed some of my stuff and left.  The rest was stored in a room in a shop.  The problem was I had no way to go get it and no money to have it shipped to me.  I've since found out that they threw it out.  My brother picked through a few things for me, but the rest is gone.  Just like that.

I feel anger over this, but I'm also numb.  There's not a damn thing I can do about it, and I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that given my economic position, this is as good as life is going to be for me.  Possession of things and ownership is a man made thing.  I'm not speaking against that.  We obviously need the basics, shelter, food and clothing, but our money driven society has us collecting many things we probably don't even need.  We just think we do, perhaps due to the marketing drilled into our brains that it will somehow make our lives better.

Did I need all that I had left behind?  Probably not.  I lived without it for almost two years.  There were clothes among those boxes that I could use now as my things are wearing out. There are little things I collected that remind me of some moment in my life when I was happy.  However, they won't improve my life now.  I'm still saddened by yet another loss.  How attached to your stuff are you?  Could you willingly give it up?  We should remember we were born into this world naked and with nothing. The only thing we take with us when we die is our memories.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Few Thoughts On The NFL Player Protests

There's been a discussion about free speech in this country lately.  Actually, there are always things that happen that spark the debate.  The latest is the NFL player protests during the National Anthem.

When this country was founded, the First Amendment dealt with free speech.  It was first and foremost on the minds of the founding fathers.  Why?  Before this country was founded, the government could have you jailed or killed for saying things they didn't agree with.  Just offering an opinion about the monarchy could get you killed.  The First Amendment isn't there to protect speech people agree with.  What would be the point?  If we all agree, what's the problem?

The current protest has many levels, because they are being used as part of a bigger agenda to divide this country and spark a race war.  Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book used to control the people.  When you are employed with a company that pays you for your services, you can get fired for conduct they feel is negative towards the company.  Companies will fire people for comments made on their personal Facebook pages on that person's free time.  To me, that's questionable.  If you are abiding by company's rules on their time, what you do on your own time should be off limits unless you are committing a crime.

The NFL has a code of conduct.  They are constantly fining players for wearing articles of clothing in games that are not allowed.  People are even fired for opinions expressed off of company time, which again I feel is questionable.  But when the players take the field, they are on company time.  That includes when the National Anthem is played.  If the NFL allows protests during that time, this means the league sanctions it.

The sad part of all of this is that we are still not having any discussion about what the protests are about.  It's about these player's concerns over police brutality towards minorities and the way minorities are treated in this country.  Some people feel there is no real problem and disagree with that message, so they won't even entertain the discussion.  There ought to be concern over police tactics and military weapons in the hands of the police that can and will be used against the people.  One day, the people may be forced to rise up in the event that the government goes too far.  It's a good bet that some of these people who complain about the NFL player protests won't be blindly patriotic then.

Unfortunately, the opposing view has decided to try and rebrand these protests as disrespecting the flag and country.  President Trump has helped frame that narrative, as if all of the players are saying to hell with our flag and country and not protesting to make a statement.   It's dishonest, and Trump is smart enough to know that.  It was another Republican, President Nixon, who branded anti war protesters the same way when they used the flag to make a political statement.  As the leader of the country, Trump is simply doing the same thing he accused Obama of, ignoring the concerns of voters who didn't vote for him.

We need to be very careful when we brand other people's free speech as bad and somehow unpatriotic.  We should not invalidate the concerns of the opposing view.  At some point, the shoe will be on the other foot, and it will be your opinion being misrepresented by those who don't agree with you.